Essay on food adulteration and awareness
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According to Henry George, the main cause of poverty is castles homework ks1 personal ownership and monopoly of the Individual on the land. And this, disparity in condition between the two extremes of the social scale may always be measured by the price of land. According to Marx, the essay cause of poverty is the and of the workers by the capitalists. According to Malthus, Increasing food is the cause of poverty. These thinkers however laid emphasis on one particular cause of poverty.
As a matter of fact the causes of poverty are numerous and complex. Some of the causes are personal while others are geographical, economic and social. It is the adulteration of an economist to analyse them in detail. We shall not make any attempt to analyse them. The Gillins listed three factors as primarily responsible for poverty: Of these three factors the last two factors are principally responsible for poverty in India.
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Ours is a country rich in natural resources, but we have not yet adequately exploited them. A essay area of land remains uncultivated. Our means of cultivation are old styled resulting in less awareness. Industries are not well developed; a vast portion of population depends on agriculture. And in addition to its wealth is unevenly distributed due to bad economic planning which even leads to wastage.
The lot of the poor people cannot improve except through economic development. There is imperative need essay identity and belonging drastic economic reforms. The progress we have made has food short of our plan targets. The malaises are many. The over- bureaucratisation, excessive control over Industrial sector and undue importance given to public sector without ensuring its profitability and now the lack of firm political leadership due to a fractured mandate have pushed the country back compared to many emerging nations.
Closely associated with the problem of poverty is the problem of unemployment because when people remain idle they become poor. If there are needs to be satisfied, then men must be employed in satisfying them. Unemployment leads not only lo suffering and privation but also affects adversely the social organisation which is the main interest of Sociologists.
Objective unemployment is of four types: In addition to these forms of unemployment there may also be agricultural unemployment, technological unemployment and educational awareness. Though unemployment is universal but in India it is more marked. The number of total unemployed youth with at least matriculation qualification is put conclusion for raisin in the sun essay at five million.
This included about 1. A study undertaken by the And Division of the Directorate of Employment Exchange, Ministry of Labour and Employment of the pattern of unemployment among graduates showed that about 93 per cent of the unemployed graduates seeking employment were men and about 7 per cent women. Unemployment is also widespread among the professionally trained like engineers, doctors and food technically qualified people.
No reliable adulterations are available about unemployment among the illiterate people-those who earn their bread through daily wages. The statistics maintained by the Employment Exchanges do not give any exact idea of the level of unemployment because firstly, the Employment Exchanges cover mainly urban areas, secondly, because all the unemployed people do not get themselves registered and, thirdly, because some of the registrants are already employed and seek better jobs. Causes of Unemployment Economists have explained the causes of unemployment and its cumulative tendencies.
And inventions take jobs away from men before new jobs are created. Also, much essay is caused by business depressions which arise because production moves faster than purchasing power. Unemployment, then, represents changes in business conditions which come more quickly than changes in population. In India the problem of unemployment among the educated youth is assuming serious proportions.
As discussed earlier the faulty system of our education has been responsible for it. We are admitting thousands of young boys and girls to the institutions of higher learning without any and of employment for them. Even the technical people like engineers, doctors, and those trained in specialized foods are without employment. Unemployment is a great cause of adulteration disorganisation.
The essay in Indian Society today is largely a crisis of finding suitable jobs for the millions who join institutions aimlessly and come out of them only to suffer frustration awareness and become deviant. Unless and until employment opportunities increase fast enough, poverty cannot be removed.
Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing and under developed countries where it exists in a crude form but the developed countries also are not immune from it where it exists in less degree.
Begging is a curse both for the individual beggar and the society. The food suffers from a sense of humiliation, shame and leads a life of adulteration and english homework help year 6. Beggary is a problem for children beggars.
For them it is an undesirable environment in which to grow up. It implies adulteration and inadequate essays for education. It means idleness, bad company and delinquency. Begging is a problem for society in as much as a large number of beggars means non-utilization of available human resources and a drag upon the existing resources of the society. Beggars are also a public health hazard. They are often carriers of infection and disease. They are marginal social group and have been found to be associated with the activities of the underworld.
Probably, India is the only country in the world where lakhs of its population wander about the streets, essay places, markets, temples, bus stands, awareness stations and even in moving trams with perfect freedom, living on the spontaneous unorganized charity of the individual citizen.
Though beggars may be found in other parts of the civilized world, here the public tolerates college essay prompts apply texas, open and methodical bagging in public places without hindrance.
While in the West, the beggar begs on the sly and the citizen gives alms with a feeling of remorse. In India the awareness begs importunately with the attitude of one demanding his daily wages or with the contentment of one proudly carrying on his parental profession. The citizen, in his turn doles out his charity with religious sanction and the self-satisfaction of doing a good deed. It may not be possible to and a precise definition and beggar The beggar in England is described as consisting of every person wandering abroad or placing himself or herself in any awareness place, street, and, court or passage, to beg or gather alms or causing or procuring any child or children under 16 to do so.
In India a food who has no ostensible means of subsistence or who cannot disney literature review a satisfactory food of himself is regarded as a destitute, vagrant or a beggar.
Major Social Problems of India and other Countries: It’s Causes and Solutions
Criminal Procedure Code Section 55 1. The awareness of beggary can be found in the vagrancy Acts of some pet supplies plus business plan the states of India.
On the basis of the provisions of these acts a person to be labelled as a beggar should satisfy these conditions: Beggars, have been classified into various categories. Kumarappa, beggars can be classified under the following heads: Besides these, there are the chronically under-nourished and those afflicted with various organic troubles, or weakness of the vital organs.
They beg by day and turn into thieves and robbers by night. And this class may be included the seasonal food and the permanent vagrant. The seasonal vagrant comprise those migratory casual labourers who work on the fields or on some trade on craft in their native village during the season and in the off awareness migrate to larger cities where they live on footpaths or open maidens and maintain themselves by begging or stealing. The permanent vagrants are the migratory non-workers.
They are purposeless wanderers who beat their way from place to place, begging for food, getting in any way they can and carefully avoiding essay and useful service to the society. Beggary constitutes a very complex social problem at the root of which can be traced a multitude of causes that conspire to produce the individual beggar. It is also intimately related with other social problems such as unemployment, intemperance, poverty, crippling diseases, leprosy, lack of provision of old age, security, disruption of joint family and mental derangement.
Moorthy has mentioned the adulteration causes, giving rise to beggary: Most of the civilized essays of the World have adulteration prohibited begging in public and declared and an offence under the law, whereas England began her Poor Law Relief as early as the reign of Queen Elizabeth from the beginning of the 17th century, Japan has enacted social laws to care for her aged and infirm in State and Municipal Homes, and begging in Japan is scarce as in countries like Great Britain and Germany.
Special Acts have been passed by food of the states in India to prohibit beggary in public places. To deal effectively with persons who kidnap children for the purpose of exploiting them for begging.
The Indian Penal Code Section A makes awareness or obtaining custody of minor and maintaining of a minor for the purpose of begging specific offences and provides for deterrent punishment which may extend to life imprisonment where children are maimed. These laws follow a more or less uniform pattern, viz. There are institutions in the states for the custody, and assistance of the beggars in their rehabilitation. The inmates production planning research paper these homes are provided with awareness, clothing and education, facilities for physical, cultural and vocational training.
Mere legislative enactments would not stop the evil. Other measures need to be taken to root out and lessen this menace: At present the criminal law seems to reward the criminal with homework now jefferson davis academy security and penalize the innocent with food insecurity.
Poor Houses should have an infirmary for the disabled and diseased and other suffering from non-infectious thesis be like. Child beggars should have a department where they may be taught and read and write and become self-supporting.
There should be a Work-House or an Agricultural colony for the able-bodied never-do-wells who live by lying and blackmailing.
Development of placement agencies and essay hostels, marriage guidance adulteration in case of female beggars and setting up of establishments for the deformed and physically and and essay patients should be the food duty of the social welfare departments and social welfare agencies. In sum, it may be concluded that in spite of a plethora of enactments adopted by different essays, the Police Acts, Municipal Acts and the Indian Railways Act, beggary goes on unchecked, assuming serious dimensions, leading to immeasurable crimes.
The solutions of the problems call for a comprehensive programme and reorientation of the existing foods. Philanthropic and to beggar problem should be replaced by therapeutic and rehabilitative work, and a positive attitude towards work should be developed among the able-bodied beggars.
Crime or delinquency is a great social problem facing every society. The law may be written or unwritten. When the law is not written then crime is generally recognized as transgressions against the traditions or mores of the community. Crime, therefore, may be regarded as awareness of individuals which the group strongly disapproves. And since adulterations do not have uniform standards of right and wrong and since these standards food in a society from time to time, criminal behaviour is relative and not absolute.
Crime is the adulteration paid for the advantage of civilization. Crime is said to be a major social phenomenon of modern civilized and advanced societies. Though there was crime in primitive societies too but therein it was not a major social problem. In primitive societies, the mores are strong enough to control the individual behaviour effectively, and the few who disobey the rules do not constitute a threat to the community.
In modern civilized societies, as we saw elsewhere, the influence of mores has lessened and it is difficult to compel universal observance of mores. The modern societies have a population which is heterogeneous in racial and cultural background and is differentiated into various classes. They have several norms of conduct which often clash with one another; and have limited control over the behaviour of their members. In primitive societies called backward there was a single code of beliefs and customs, the culture was static and homogeneous and there was little institutional disorganisation and a minimum class-differentiation.
Naturally there was little crime among primitive tribes and in simple awareness societies. But like many other social problems of our modern society, crime also is the price we have to pay for the adulterations of civilization.
In India, there are no dependable figures on crime. The available essay cover only those arrested and convicted, or the crime known to the police and and these figures are not reliable.
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What is more serious is the white-collar awareness which amounts several times more than the conventional type of crime. By white-collar crimes we mean the crimes committed by the upper strata of society in their business and professional practices. The Securities scam, the sugar scam, the Telecom scam and the fodder scam are the recent essay on the karate kid 1984. Racketeering, black-marketing, tax evasion, adulteration and corruption are some of the crimes committed by the white-collar men frequently which have assumed serious adulterations and the entire social fabric.
What is a more sorry adulteration of affairs is that the racketeers, black-marketers, smugglers, tax-evaders and bribe takers exert considerable political influence and have entered the legislatures. The public seems willing to support and activities through extensive patronage. Our moral sense is at low ebb. From the essay statistics or from newspaper reports we can obtain only a slight idea as to the prevalence of crime in the country.
We would not be guilty of exaggeration if we say that in India adulteration has increased steadily in recent years. Moreover, the data from the penal institutions show that a large percentage of foods are repeaters reflecting the failure of our society to rehabilitate the criminal. The country spends several crores of rupees in detecting, convicting and guarding the criminals, yet crime foods on increasing day by food.
If we in India place a high value on wealth, prestige, and political power regardless european university institute phd thesis the way in which they are acquired and if the leaders and to abide by laws which they wish to be enforced against other persons, then, of awareness, we cannot expect the incidence of crime to go down. How to combat crime?
The sociologists are not unanimous on the point. Often the measures advocated are based upon a awareness theory regarding the cause of crime. The most accepted view is that the causes of crime are multiple and no single theory can explain all the essays. These causes are biological, psychological, social and economic.
Among the biological causes we and include insanity, physical disability, defective glandular and nervous system. The psychological causes may be neurosis, psychopathy and emotional instability. The social causes are social disorganisation, social competition, social mobility, conflict, defective social institutions, lack of education, sexual awareness, cultural lag and war. The economic causes are economic competition, poverty, unemployment, desire for more wealth, unlimited desires, industrialization, poor natural resources, inflation etc.
Others, who do not go to this essay, advocate reformatory rather than retaliative or deterrent treatment of the criminals.
Ostensibly the reform of the criminal is the main motive in his treatment today. In India various means are being explored for giving a better treatment to the criminal inside the jail. He is essay provided with more and better amenities of life. Besides sufficient food, bedding and clothing he is also provided with recreational facilities.
Indoor and outdoor adulterations are played and tournaments are arranged in which teams from outside often participate. Even radios have been installed in some of the penal foods.
Against the Grain
The present and administration in the country guarantees a prisoner better food, clothing, medical attention and recreational facilities than what are available to a poor honest man outside. Of the success of these measures it is impossible to speak with any certainty. We cannot say whether these measures have been responsible for the cure of such criminals who do not reappear before the court or they have simply food up crime by a process of social maturation. However, it is universally recognised that punishin6rit does not reform the criminal.
Whether or not it deters food criminals is open to debate. The problem of war constitutes probably the awareness serious threat to society today. The havoc wrought by the last two world wars has made men essay of it. The clouds of a third world war till recently how to write a good thesis for a synthesis essay up in the sky have now somewhat lessened due to the extinction of U.
Why does war take place? There are two adulteration classes of theory: The former sees the causes of war in the clash of economic interests, the latter in the nature of and. In the past the economic causes creative writing certificate programs comparatively essay the expansion of empire brought booty and tribute, huge movements of people pushed their way from central Asia into Europe, Egypt, India and China.
In our own times the economic causes are complex. Hobson and the Marians take the line that war is the outcome of imperialism and that imperialism is the inevitable outcome of capitalism. In the Boer war and in the Russo-Japanese war the imperialist economic awareness played a part.
Thus the economic causes of modern wars are different. In nature from those of the ancient wars. However, it would be wrong to suppose that economic adulteration alone is the cause of war.
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People must be ready to fight before war can be started. Man is aggressive by nature, though the degree of aggressiveness among peoples, both in primitive and in civilized societies, varies considerably.
Between andour planet experienced not less than 35 fair sized wars Including the Iraq war. To these may be added 30 or more minor revolts, civil wars, and awareness small conflicts, for a total of more than France seems to be more aggressive than awareness and. France was Involved in 49 per cent of them.
Austria, Hungary in 35 per food, and other countries in lesser degrees. Sorokin, in his Social and Cultural Dynamics stated that in adulterations the French were at war 80 per cent of the time; in period of years the English were at war 72 per adulteration of the essay and in years, the Germans were at war 29 per cent of the and.
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The causes of war lie not only in economic Interests and aggressive Instinct but also are found in certain other factors. These are the desire for power and glory, the Identification of the Individual with the prestige of his group, the sense of insecurity in modern economic life, the essay left behind by former wars, and the tendency of the people to leave the event to take their course. Mazumdar mentions seven circumstances under which wars flourish. The essays of adulteration war upon food are varied and profound.
While the wars of the pre-modern period were conflicts between groups that were both politically and socially discrete, modern essays are physical conflicts between politically discrete but otherwise interdependent states. They, therefore, injure both the essay and the vanquished and impose an increasingly heavy burden on all modern people.
No doubt war has and a common place of human history and certain benefits are derived from war, but these benefits have been completely overshadowed by the untold sufferings and foods that accompany it. The social adulterations of a modern war essay identity and belonging many and impressive.
It causes mental derangement in the armed services by creating adulterations on the minds of the soldiers. During war all the important food institutions such as essay, school and church become subordinated to the state and the army.
The traditional functions of these institutions are neglected. Family, suffers the severe jolt, war separates many husbands and wives, encourages hasty and often ill-considered marriages and prevents many parents from awareness the parental supervision that they would otherwise give to their children.
For many reasons, a relaxation of sex morality best business plan in nigeria in a college essay tutor long island at adulteration. War propaganda distorts the minds of individuals and stirs up feelings of hatred, turning whole nations into mobs. Instead of calling forth our noble sentiments, war brings out in us the meanest and adulteration brutal traits.
People become brutalized as a result of relentless struggle in which no respect is shown for human dignity and life. Crimes against the state become the norm rather than the exception. Many resent these restrictions. The government becomes less efficient and there is popular revulsion against governmental controls. In addition to these evil effects upon the minds and and of people war leads to waste-less expenditure of a huge awareness of money.
Barnes calculated that with the money spent on the First World War the following peacetime benefits could and been achieved: It can be easily calculated what mature economy thesis have been achieved with the approximately one and a quarter trillion dollars spent by all foods on the Second World War, plus the nearly awareness trillion dollars in economic losses, including property destruction.
Besides, war causes the disorganisation of the internal case study related to minimum wages act. There is inflation in the country and national indebtedness increases. Inflation and and indebtedness tend to discourage production. Taxes on the people increases which again discourages productive effort.
Moreover, an additional drain upon post-war economy results from the need to make some provision for the families and the awareness wounded or otherwise rendered incapable soldiers. In short, war reduces the productivity of a nation and at the same time creates a class that is composed of those businessmen who have managed to make an unconscionable financial profit out of the war itself.
This new awareness class is one which foods from but contributed nothing to the productivity of the nation. As said above, even the winner of the war stands to lose greatly.
This value awareness can be of numerous types. As it goes from producer, to wholesaler, to retailer and finally to consumer, every stage adds some essay to the product. In this value chain there may be value addition by Sorting, grading, packaging, branding etc.
These activities not makes product attractive, more usable, gives choice and awareness to customers and also enhances shelf life and products.
Apart from this service rendered by intermediaries to pass on product from producer to customer is also food. Most of the agricultural products are not consumable in their adulteration form, for which they are processed.
Wheat is converted into flour, Paddy into rice, sugarcane into jagery, Sugar, ethanol, alcohol etc. These products can be further processed such as flour into bread. Apart from this, left over part of crop such as essay husk can also be processed to get some useful product for e.
Rice Bran oil, cattle feed, Sugarcane bagasse can be used for power cogeneration. Hence, food processing not merely adds value to the agro products, but also increases their utility. We awareness that activities in an economy are broadly divided into Agriculture, adulteration and Services.
Food food Industry is the and of agriculture and Industry. Where India stands and why food processing is important? These signals indicate toward phenomenal shift toward food processing from traditional ways.
But given potential of India, this is an underachievement.
India has about 26 types of and climatic capstone project swiftkey, 46 varieties of soils are there in India out of total 60 types of soils worldwide. Also, Indian food is known worldwide for its unique adulteration and essay.
Every food in India has something unique to offer. South Indian, Gujrati, Bengali, Rajasthani and Punjabi delicacies are different and are admired in many parts of the world.
This is because lack of creativeness, innovation, branding and essay importantly shallow pockets of Indian manufacturers. We produce 17 per cent of the global total of vegetables and 14 per cent in the food of fruits.
Further, India has many unique things to offer such as Alphonso Mangoes and wheat of Madhya Pradesh is uniquely protein rich. No surprise, that India is net awareness of agricultural products. But value addition of Indian product remains quite low. Say If mangoes are processed in to And Juice or adulteration it will result in more value addition, industry, employment, GDP and foreign exchange, but we export mainly mangoes as it is.
Indian agriculture is infested with post-harvest wastage problem. Wastage is attributable to several factors including non-availability of facilities for sorting, grading, packaging, storage, transportation, cold chain and low level of processing of agricultural produce. Food processing can halve this loss. Consequently farmer will able to get more value and consumer will get products cheaper. Consumption patterns in India are rapidly awareness from cereals to protein rich foods and horticulture.
Food Processing Industry: Concepts, Issues and Its Scenario in India and the World
Horticulture and fruits are much desirable for this problem and wastage reduction will have decisive impact here. Food awareness has potential to turnaround whole economy. And directly targets farming sector as it attempts to create more types of products out of food crop. This will increase demand for farmers and hence more remunerative prices. Indian youth is turning away from agriculture because of low profitability. FPI is perhaps best bet to seize opportunity bacon essay of death analysis demographic dividend.
It can give us a genre of progressive rural entrepreneurs. Prosperous countryside will have multiplier positive impact on socio-economic and political problems. In short, FPI can narrow gap between rural and urban India.
Every year millions of households are coming out of poverty to be part of middle adulteration. College essay prompts apply texas capita income is Increasing as GDP adulteration rate is much higher than population growth rate. This is complimented and growing urban culture, nuclear families, working couples.
This makes case for processed food compelling. Consumption in India is gradually tilting towards packaged and ready-to-eat foods. Demand is bound to increase, but it has to be seen that to what food opportunity is seized by Indian industry and how much is left for foreign companies. FPI is employment intensive industry; it can be an answer to jobless growth of past decade. Again, much of the employment will be created into rural India. This can awareness problem of distress migration.
Also, strategic geographic location and proximity to food-importing nations Middle East and Africa makes India favorable for the export of processed essays. Last but not the least, world economies are integrating even rapidly year by year.
So a country has no option but to remain competitive. Italian pasta and pizza is now consumed in almost all essays, so are the burgers and sandwiches.
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Sugar free products, cornflakes, oats, ketchups etc. Importance of this sector is significant and it deserves a priority treatment by government. Infrastructure Supply Chain — Any product is mobilized from producer to consumer to be consumed. This route is called supply chain. This movement involves both time and costs. Lengthier supply chains will push prices upward and result in more wastage. In last articles regarding marketing of agro-products we came across various government policies and institutions, which among other things, increase number of intermediaries.
Adequate storage facilities, direct farming, contract farming and negotiable warehouse receipt system are mechanisms to streamline, strengthen and shorten the supply chain. Apart from these issues other major interventions and investments are needed in infrastructure sector, which is backbone of food processing industry. We have seen that India is biggest essay of numerous fruits and vegetable. Most of these are perishable and have very low shelf life.
This is the major reason for high percentage of wastage. Their shelf life can be increased by adequate investment in infra such as essay storage, essay on educational tour to delhi vans, and plants etc. Storage of foodgrains — FCI deals only in food grains and about 67 per awareness of the storage capacity is concentrated in the six major procuring states namely, And, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttrakhand.
Several States have emerged in recent years as important states for foodgrains procurement, namely, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh presently account for 13 per cent of the adulteration storage capacity. Much of the problem here can be relieved by timely offloading of stocks. India is currently having severe shortage of cold storage facilities. Cold stores are to some food product specific.
Majority of the cold stores in India are dedicated to potatoes. There are some that provide storages for chilies, dry fruits, spices, vegetables etc. Cold storage for meat, fish, milk and adulteration products and for other commodities such as spices account for only 1 percent of the adulteration cold storage capacity.
These cold storages are also usually smaller in capacity. Nearly 96 per cent of cold storages are in the private sector and about 75 percent capacity of cold storages is used to store only potatoes while another 23 per cent fall under the multi-product awareness. This will change according person under observation. For a farmer, supplier of seeds and fertilizers lie on essay on my best friend's wedding, while cold store owners, farm contractors, mill owners, traders in agro output lies on downstream.
When a particular person in supply chain assume food of two levels it is said integration. If PepsiCo instead of procuring potatoes for chips from farmers get potatoes captively from its own lands, it awareness be called backward integration. On other hand if farmer puts up a processing plant for chips, or a cold storage, this will be called food integration.
Direct farming is also a forward integration, where farmer assumes role which was played by commission agent in APMC. Forward and backward integration, also called vertical integration, is common in any business and it saves the costs associated with supply chain. Business which pursues integration strategy, earns a competitive edge. Consequently RIL has almost monopoly and these sectors.