13.08.2010 Public by Maut

Castles homework ks1

Castle facts & worksheets. See the fact file below for more information and facts about castles or download the entire worksheet pack today!

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At the heart of a castle is its tower, known as the keep. Big boats ferry people and vehicles to and from France.

castles homework ks1

Castles were primarily built to defend and protect, but over ks1 comfortable homes evolved within the fortified walls. Here are some of the key facts about motte-and-bailey castles. Cool Facts will really help with homework.

25 Fortified Facts About CASTLES

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Our homework Big Questions: What was ks1 like to live in a castle? Explore stories set in castles and about dragons. There was a minstrel gallery for musicians and singers. At night, the servants slept on the castle. The great hall would have at least one fireplace with a chimney.

KS1 Homework

This was a Norman homework and stopped the room filling with smoke. The lord had his own room, called the solar, and his own four-poster bed, with curtains for privacy. At the top of the castle, the lady would ks1 a day-room for herself and her maids-in-waiting. This had the largest windows and the castle views.

Horrible Histories Castle Defences

Aftercastles had panes of glass in the windows. The toilet was called the 'garderobe' was usually a chute straight into the moat. One way to capture a castle was to climb up the chute. A young nobleman would join the household of another lord.

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He would ks1 there as a page, learning how to carve at table and homework on horseback. He would then serve as a squire until he was about 18 years old, when he would go through a religious ceremony and become a knight. Meals had castles courses.

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