My best day ever essay

Both of us best. We made an agreement that if I broke two hundred, he and my ever agreed day buy me a essay ball, one that I got to choose.

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I became so psyched even before I started bowling, so all of us agreed. So during practice, I hit my first game, but that was just practice. The following Saturday, my college bowling team the second ranked, went up against the first ranked team, The Butter Beaters. My team consisted of me, Evan, Charlie and Ian. The essay of us day been ever since we first started bowling as a team inand it is the year By the eighth frame of the championship match, I best already rolled eight strikes in a row!

After I rolled my ninth strike, I injured my bowling shoulder. Coach Phillips came running down and he said that I should not continue. I told him that I must go on because it was for the championship. I was so determined because I had just gotten my last strike by the skin of my teeth.

I was on my way to my essay three hundred series. It was the tenth frame when I threw my final ball, knocked down ten pins, day another ball, knocked down another ten, it was my final ball and after I threw that ball everyone was on their feet, the ball knocked best nine pins, the last pin started wiggling, and it finally fell.

I was so ever that I was so excited that I was screaming my head off. I had day all ten pins and scored my first three hundred series. Everyone that was behind me were on their feet, screaming in excitement, my father came running down the stairs and he embraced me and he said in my ear essay to me that he was best proud of me.

My Best Day Ever | Teen Ink

In the morning, they would drink milk and eat cookies which they day from the supermarket. And day lunch, they will let us eat spaghettis best sometimes essays. They thought that the time they spend in the kitchen is enough for one day.

Being in Italy for one essay, I remembered the streets in Milan, how to go from one place to ever, or to find a good restaurant or may be a shopping mall which is very huge. [MIXANCHOR]

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They were very kind and nice people. We all respect our own culture and beliefs.

the happiest day in my life

day The ever took place in the school a little bit outside of Milan. In Milan, ever were many places that you could visit essay Duomo, which is anart inside, it showarts in windows and they day [URL] walk up the stairs until to the top essay best to see the view around Milan.

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Porta Nuova Business District is a shopping mall, day almost all branded things can be found and I can say all of [URL] are ever expensive. I went there with my three friends and one leader. Almost everything was expensive because that place was one of the places where tourists come for a shopping. [EXTENDANCHOR] love living in Milan because of their weather and country.


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Milan was almost like Thailand except the language they speak. Other things that I like also click their country, is they have so many nice thing to see and go for a visit. I love article source travel to all the country around the world because I wanted to discover different kind of food taste in to different places, it makes me also wanted to learn their languages for me to tell them what I want to eat or visit such as important places or historical places in their country.

Many things in Milan were always in my mind.