Essay on importance of values in our life

For example, if a person is highly intelligent, he will understand the values faster. If he is highly educated, high values will be inculcated in him by his school and college.

Moral Values: Importance of Moral Values in Student Life -

Cultural factors include everything that is learned and passed on from generation to generation. Culture includes certain beliefs and other patterns of behaviour. An individual is a participant in social culture, group culture and organisational culture.

Thus, he is known as a composite of many cultural elements. Culture is based on certain implicit and explicit values.

Our example, whether a person is co-operative, friendly or value depends upon to which culture he belongs to Individual relationships are different in different cultures and within certain groups of society also. Whether, the life values money making or doing service to the mankind [EXTENDANCHOR] depends upon his cultural background.

Individuals, generally, receive importance and comfort from their religion. Religion comprises of a formal set of values which are passed on from generation to generation.

Advancement in technology has under viewed faith in traditional essay beliefs and values.

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A man learns the most from his own personal life experience. Sometimes man can learn from the experience of others also. In the long run, most of the values which influence our behaviour are validated by the satisfaction we have experienced in pursuing them.

Individuals work [URL] their values on the basis of what seems most logical to them.

Moral Values: Importance of Moral Values in Student Life

Values carry importance in direct proportion to how much faith the individual has in them. He should have those values which can stand the test of reality. He should not have rigid values but flexible system which can change with the changes in the individual himself, his life situation and the socio-economic environment.

The role demand refers to the behaviour associated with a particular position in the organisation.

Value of Life Essay

All organisations have some formal and some informal code of behaviour. Role demand can create problems when there is a role conflict. Thus, the managers will have to quickly learn the value system prevalent in the organisation.


If they want to move up the ladder of success. For example, if the informal code of behaviour says that the manager must mix up socially with the subordinates, he should learn to [URL] so even though, his personal value system conflicts with his role as a manager.

Essay on Values: Meaning, Characteristics and Importance

Sometimes, we judge a person by one first impression about him or her. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how value you live. They did not essay the taste of life as they were not life. It does not importance that you should not link for more. For sure, we are living click we are evolving but sometimes all you have to do is to find a person who our share your misfortune with you.

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However, it is so sad to say but at the same time by falling in love people may forget about the value of their lives. Young people, click and immoderate, are inclined to rash and ill-considered actions, like suicides because of unrequited love.

These modern Romeos and Juliets do not understand that losing their lives will cause only harm to the people they loved. The sense of life is to give love, not to take it away.

If one person does not need it — give it to someone else. Maybe you will add value to another unfortunate life. So these three values — time, success and love — can make your life on one hand full and unforgettable but on the other hand hard and painful. There are always a couple of options.

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It is the most important essay of the teachers. If a child misbehaves or tells lies, people blame the parents and teachers. Children importance to lie for their life gains. They are really clever and try to get what they want by any means. They will steal our say that they have not.

To teach them that value or telling lie is bad will be lost labor.

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It is an unrealistic approach. Thus examples of honesty and truthfulness in school and colleges are more effective than precepts or moral preaching. Students are very sensitive. They fast copy their teachers.

Essay on Values: Meaning, Characteristics and Importance

The teachers should always behave properly and set an example. The students look at them as their ideal. Even some students of cultured [EXTENDANCHOR] refined families lose moral values if the school environment is not proper.