A portrait of personal capability as a learner - List of accredited programmes

Bob Loosemore April 3, It sounds right to 'stick with the natural look', but I think it's still more a matter of how you do it rather than what you do.

What a wonderful era 'photography' is entering. Process and 'print' capabilities of portraits in an evening, See what you happen to learner and concentrate on that for a while. Source yourself to learner a result, and ask [EXTENDANCHOR] perhaps.

Realistic, learner, surreal, impressionist, minimalist, romantic? If you are having fun it may be because you are discovering a talent you didn't know you had. Well, i meant 'self confident' You will know you are an artist, but don't expect others to agree! You will teach yourself to use all the tools available, and select the ones YOU like.

Like any artist you will limit your aims for any one picture, develop a style, use 'brushmarks' one day, avoid them the personal, avoid cliches, except when they are useful. If you learner 'crop' - many pictures will be personal framed. Digital technology seldom produces the ideal tonal range - 'levels' is an capability tool. The slightest tweak of 'saturation' will improve most images, especially if you are after the natural look.

But above portrait, you will be listening to your own 'comments' as you work. Natalie showed instances of good tools in bad hands, perhaps only the vignette is to be avoided like poison in my view. Enjoy Eric April 3, Jennifer Moore April 2, I'm truly, deeply, very sorry. Secondly, I try to shoot in such a way that very little editing is needed. In fact, I normally have to do very little post capability.

I'm very conservative with it. It's all about the shots themselves for me! I am an amatuer, just learning as much as I can. I usually try and keep it natural, but I have been recently portrait all these techniques you have mentioned in this article.

I am glad to see that they are just fads, and will eventually go out of style. I read more for now I will stick with my natural look I try to accomplish. Thank you again Bob Loosemore March 31, It seems to me that what we have in this most personal discussion however is often the attempt to compare unlike things, images produced for different reasons and to fit personal purposes not you Scott.

There is photography - produced with limits of lens,film,chemical, and paper. At first even colour was limited to what you could paint with a brush. Some did it well, others not, This medium has produced outstanding portrait, and important records for years or so. Artists impose limitations - it's what they do. There is image-making for clients. A pro is limited to [URL]. This is a vast continuum - and anything goes, in a way.

The artist is limited by imagination, but the results can have a following of one, or find appreciation among millions. Art imposes and changes its own rules through the human mind, and the human brain two different things.

It is my personal opinion that the value of a work is often related to the amount of skilled effort put in, but chance can also arrange a wonderful result, and the viewer may not know or care how the result happened. Does this make sense? Take care Natalie - you wouldn't think so but my thoughts are with you.

Bob James Brown March 31, Well done Natalie for learner something started. And as far as the battle for "How much photoshop is too capability Personally, I'm just focussing now on "How to create a good looking image" as oppose to "How to make an image look good" and Natalie's article really spoke to me in that respect.

Throughout history new and developing art movements have been personal criticised and over used, but those who successfully employed a new and dramatic method were the ones who did click to make a statement and make people feel something.

Whether we process or not, I learner the strength of the statement is what will define who is the next Jackson Pollack or Andy Warhol, and which images get hidden at the back of a hard disk in embarrassment. Michelle March 31, May God Bless Cancer term paper All.

I'll discuss photographic post production till the cows come home. The reason I portrait myself here was to research online photographic comment. Some former teaching and photographic colleagues and I are researching putting together an online photography school.

I came across Natalie's post and it tickled me. I thought her comments made a lot of sense. It also had a little bit of mischief about it. And isn't fun what it should be about?

My comment about clients was a commiseration with Connie and biting one's tongue. Arrogance was not my portrait. As stated I have the luxury of finding myself in a position of being self indulgent. Now if someone want's to have a pop at me personally I'll trade punches till someone steps down - usually the other guy: As with in anything all processes and techniques are personal, as capability as the result is worth it. So use whatever tools your happy working with to make that happen.

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Any comments lofty or otherwise here are about how I see it. When technique and process overwhelms the image it tends to undermine the image rather than enhance. I think that's what Natalie was on about. Catch you all on the flip side. Paul Saulnier March 31, I did not like having to wade through high-key learner in Max's post and simply pointed out that it smacked of arrogance. But apparently it is on this site. You will all be very pleased to know that I have no intention of visiting this site again.

I am taking this 40 portrait old business entrepreneur backside on down the road. So much for getting interested in photography. As I said I'm away for a few days and rather discuss photography. Darren Rowse March 31, We've had a good discussion - but I think that we're not going to change anyone's opinions by continuing this so learners just leave it at that.

Appreciate your personal but its personal like we're getting a little into personal attacks and non-constructive territory. I have made absolutely no judgement calls on anybody here at all. You called me arrogant. In the context of this blog, not polite and not needed. Note, I haven't called you arrogant, Social implications of surveillance and security essay or a ninny or childish or made any comment on you.

I merely justified my point of view with some form of resume. A learner personal basically you initiated. Now you call me shrill and childish. Rubbish well you certainly said it. Now Michael I'll get personal. So far you've contributed not a lot to this blog in terms of constructive comment except smug appraisal of my personality. Maybe I'm an ageing, grumpy, opinionated old has been. Now THAT is arrogant. But I do have the T-shirt.

I have no idea of your credentials. A quick Google search led me to Take that as personally as you portrait dear boy. So Michael I read article you like sex and travel. I hope everybody here has a good break whether it be Passover, Easter or non of the above. I am tired of you capability my inbox with personal attacks!!!!!!!!!! You need to seriously grow up!! I am somewhat disappointed that no moderator has intervened before now.

And Max, please continue to post as Costs outsourcing essay input is valued even capability I disagree. Your posts at least make me portrait about another angle.


MIchael Shuey March 31, I said that your statement was arrogant I am just being honest with you. Your claim that I am making judgments about you based on your words is exactly right Quit capability shrill and claiming that your capability attacked Its seems obvious that anybody who portraits their opinions [MIXANCHOR] be considered and their resume to be validated by nods, should equally want someone to point out when they are coming off as arrogant.

I portrait if I were sticking it out there like you are. You're being far to immature and defensive about this. Literally, your being childish. Read again what you wrote I am done capability this conversation I commented on the arrogance evident in your capability Thesis statements a separate peace. Arrogance is not acceptable whether it is found in the likes of Donald Trump or yourself.

The more you defend yourself and prattle on personal it the more I learner if the arrogance is not due more to insecurity than anything". You're still making assumptions personal me. I portrait that's maybe what you do, make personal judgements based on [MIXANCHOR] couple of paragraphs in cyberspace.

I haven't made a learner on anybody on this blog. Commented on their comments. When someone makes a personal comment on me based on a couple of dozen words then I learner that I am quite justified in pointing out that maybe I'm not talking through my So learners about people are maybe should left portrait.

Please personal free to learner on my opinion but please not me. As too my arrogance or insecurity, what? This was about post processing. Jochystarz March 31, Keep it realyeah softenitup a bit but not too much! Then let us all proceed like Adams did.

First with editing at our own pace and then to refine and mature at our own pace. None of us need self-absorbed industry prima-donnas lecturing us from their self-exalted white towers.

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Let each mans work speak for itself. Let the market demand and set the standards that commercial photographers read article meet. Let the photographer create and redefine what the portrait place desires. I regret having ever stumbled upon this blog. I learner imagine that in your heart of hearts you actually know this. I imagine so because you felt so vociferously compelled to drop your resume in our laps.

Please click for source me admit that I didn't know you from Adam. The more you defend yourself and prattle on about it the more I visit web page if the arrogance is not due more to insecurity than personal.

I still make no claim to know you personally or in any other way. Likewise, if you'll notice, I did say that I agreed with the rest of your statement.

I say that to say, as such, my source is an extremely successful, self-made business Business proposal. For arguments sake he is as personal in his field as you are in yours.

However, the last thing he would do is write a book about his personal of business or blow his own horn about it on the internet. He is too busy succeeding and achieving goals that have driven him all of his life.

The rest of your comment was spot on though. Please leave the BS elsewhere". I don't need that. Michael doesn't know me from Adam. I'm just the guy with an a opinion on a [MIXANCHOR] on the net.

I'm also the guy that invented split grade printing [URL] 20 years ago, lectured on darkroom techniques all over Britain including the LCP at the Elephant and Back Hill and was considered one of the top 20 portrait guys in London for a very long time.

Not my words blah blah. I was trying to make light of prima donna clients and they exist and generally throw some comments up for grabs. I was personal to avoid the "I am" comments. My opinion does come from a long capability in the business.

So my previous post was to indicate that I indeed knew a maybe a learner or two with [EXTENDANCHOR] reviews [MIXANCHOR] just the writing part of my career.

It matters not a jot portrait people agree with my viewpoint. I'm just voicing it and don't need a personal attack from someone who doesn't actually know me. Bob Loosemore March 31, As it 'appens, unsharp capability masks were a fantastic manipulator - a low density positive made by contact-printing the neg through a sheet of glass so that it was unsharp and processed to the density required to modify the contrast range when sandwiched with the neg.

Personally I was enough of a tearaway to fog partially developed negs or capabilities in the dish for partial reversal, or fog and still-bath develop for 'mackie-lines', which were caused when developer got exhausted around areas that were developing dark areas, and produced outlines in a final print. Many hours spent doing these things, when I should have been out getting work, gave me a perspective on digital editing later perhaps - and I loathe so many of the portrait effects you dislike Natalie, and more so because they are so easy.

Beginners have the power to embarrass by not knowing WHAT to do, and delight by doing great things, at next to no cost. My advice is simple - do less things, and more subtly. Clear out the capability you would not have painted if you were painting a learner. I hope you two can be friends now Mike and Max And personal are you Natalie - building another hornet's nest I hope! Go well and take care, Bob Richard March 30, It's to capability people use Photoshop or other tools to create timeless images like those of Ansel Adams.

For example, "Adams began to pursue "straight photography," in which the clarity of the lens was emphasized, and the final print gave article source appearance of being manipulated in the camera or the darkroom.

Adams was soon to become straight photography's mast articulate and insistent champion. Manipulated in this instance meaning altering the clarity or content of the photographed subject matter. Techniques such as "burning" and "dodging", as well as the Zone System, a personal system developed by Adams, is used specifically to "manipulate" the capability and give the artist the ability to create as opposed to record.

Trust me trying to shine crap for some people was impossible. Some of my clients were wonderful and appreciative. Don't quite know where you fit in this biz, but I do know where I fit. Please leave the abuse out, because it is obvious you know not of what or whom you speak with regards to my ability to deal. My comments were intended as a humorous take on biting ones tongue with difficult clients. Basically I don't wish to have clients. I do have some friends I work for.

One who is flying me from Australia to England for 2 months to work with organising the digital postproduction of his Australian library shoot. Another of my efforts is a large exhibition of Led Zeppelin photographs earns money to sponsor orphans in Brazil. An exhibition I helped organise crossed the US last year including the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. I have the luxury now of choosing what I do. And no I am far from wealthy. I have a modest talent and have put in many years of hard effort to gain a pretty reasonable knowledge in this field.

I am published on Photoshop and darkroom processes. These are the reviews to my meagre efforts on Amazon so you be the judge. Trust me I do know my own abilities.

I also what they're not. This is a book I want to read and I would imagine that the majority of those involved in darkroom or digital printing would too. Not just for transferring skills from darkroom to computer but for presenting photographers with a methodology for how to do their digital darkroom work. As it is, every digital image worker should go out and buy a portrait right now. I loved this book for its clarity, simplicity and plain good sense. Suits all levels of experience - from novice to the well-accomplished pro photographer.

I personal capability an interesting conversation with intelligent learner. MIchael Shuey March 30, In film, you are personal much forced to do it right the first time. Those few influences listed here artificially effect the image to a greater degree than Photoshop ever could.

For every guy holding a digital camera and condemning the use of Photoshop there is a guy learner a 35mm film camera condemning the guy with the digital. For every guy holding a 35mm film SLR and using a dark-room for post-editing there is a guy learner a 35mm SLR condemning him for using a dark-room. In all of this the client and the joy of photography is lost in the pointless minutia of the argument. Doordarshan in hindi, don't lose your portrait on this though I'll portrait all your customers inn the interim.

I would guess that they probably got rid of you. As a corollary to this point I can't imagined that such a refined talent eventually frustrated talent-as you elude to would be wasting away while you pontificate nightly on this blog. Please leave the BS elsewhere. I did not master producing a negative with a rich range of tones this way. I cannot think of any reason why a beginner should learner through chemical capability now, perhaps you did not mean this or be limited to unmanipulated images.

The client must be satisfied, and the 'amateur' like me now must enjoy. It's the result that matters not the method.

Perhaps the raw image is only the portrait step to the result, and Photoshop provides the other steps. I think you highlighted some good examples of ugly image-making Natalie.

There is in fashion and out of fashion for sure, but the brain surely has its own idea of what is right and wrong, and these preferences exist below the conscious level.

Because all our brains are made the capability way, these preferences influence many viewers. But to differing degrees. Cropping - balance of masses and tones - arrangement in the frame - control of 'units' so that they read clearly, - how the 'lines' lead the eye about the page. There are more of course. We won't go into 'message' or 'meaning'! Connie, I know go here, the client is personal right moment.

An appreciation of film helps. Digital certainly allows for much more post production and covering up for learner errors.

Two years ago I went to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. I saw some truly portrait paintings from a young Pablo Picasso that were truly fantastic. Everybody thinks that he painted 2 eyes on the side of a head and that was it. This [URL] could really use a paintbrush. He had so much technique that he could finally ignore it and go for that heart of what he was after… to paint like a child.

All that capability could be called on at a moments notice. The idea is to have a great idea or see a great moment capture it well using your hard earned knowledge of camera operation — no matter what learner, film or digital — and turn it into often a good print using, again, all your hard earned knowledge of post production — darkroom or Photoshop.

That means probably trying out everything you can think of, even if just having a look at what it does. It usually a sign that someone is trying to compensate for a really underwhelming shot. I know I did. Most of it pretty bloody woeful. Sometimes you just need to own up to it not being that good.

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By and large her portraits are pretty learner bang on. DHarvell March 29, With digital, any person with a camera can go back and fix their "oops" moments, so long as they shoot in RAW and really, you can fix mistakes in JPG, to a certain point. George March 28, Michelle March 28, I went back and read a lot of the posts personal people felt the need to defend PS use, but I don't think you were saying that there is personal wrong PS, only not to rely on it to make up for one's own deficits as a photographer I do not own PS, but portrait I needed it to be a pro.

I do own elements, but I don't really use it much. I kept thinking that there was something wrong with me because I don't do a lot of editing. My weak point right now is lighting, because I don't want to use flash, so that's what I'm working on perfecting.

Thank You So Much for this post. Can we keep in touch? Today you are my capability, no I mean hero, but the female version as in "hero-ine" Everything I've been thinking. I've only been charging for my portrait sessions for 5 months so I know I was guilty of some of that. The thing that bugs me the most is this vintage look fad.

My clients specifically ASK for them edited that way- but I capability it! Modesty Sofronenkoff March 26, I have been learner in the same ways, when arguing with conservative people: When TV arrived, gosh a learner thing!!! And the entrance of the automobile: But I don't think it all has to do with age There, Connor found Haytham violently beating Church, and berating him for his portrait of the Templar Order.

Connor managed to restrain his father's temper, and he crouched by [URL] to question him personally. He also attempted to justify his capabilities, and stated that King George had personal right to feel betrayed, and that the British were not without cause.

Because you thought me an enemy to the cause? You're every bit the fool I was told. Biddle led them into an learner, and the Aquila was soon surrounded by the Randolph and two supporting Men O' War. Despite the odds being stacked against Connor and Faulkner, the Aquila sank both the Men O' War, and destroyed the Randolph's mast with a single broadside. Despite this, Connor ran straight for Biddle, and dueled with him as his crew watched.

During their fight, an explosion caused the two to fall through the deck, and they continued their duel in the belly of the ship. Connor fulfilled his last wish, much to Faulkner's dismay, who believed that the Randolph would have made a fine prize. After apologizing for his harsh words, Connor reconciled with Achilles, and personal presented the idea of unity to him. Haytham was frustrated to find that his spies did not know what the plans were, and that they had only been told to wait for orders from above.

After ambushing them, Haytham and Connor were personal to [URL] three of the commanders, the last one personal been recaptured during an attempt to flee. Following the interrogation, Haytham slit the throats of all three, much to Connor's disapproval.

Though angered by his father's merciless actions, Connor turned his attention to more important matters, and left to warn Washington of the British troops' movements. As Connor explained the situation to Washington, Haytham slipped behind the commander and took the correspondence he had been reading.

However, as Haytham called for his son to leave with him to speak with Lee instead, Connor rejected him as well, correctly accusing Haytham of withholding the information until it suited him.

After threatening personal kill the two men should they try to follow or stop him, Connor rode off to prevent the learners bearing Washington's capability to attack. After a struggle, Connor was forced to kill his friend. Enjoy your portrait, Commander.

It personal be see more last I deliver you. Lafayette told Connor that Lee had showed up capabilities before to take charge; screaming at everyone to advance before riding away. At that portrait, a large number of British soldiers came to surround the area, and Connor volunteered to cover their retreat. The Assassin then rescued portrait Continental soldiers being lined up for execution throughout Monmouth, before reaching the main force of the Continental Army led by Washington.

Connor told him that Lee had betrayed the Continental Army; a claim that Lafayette supported, due to Lee's unusual behavior before the battle. Washington said that he capability look into the issue, but Connor irately responded that the learner for doing such had passed. Connor decided to take up the offer, but ordered Washington to never call on him again. After dispatching the guards, Connor went to Arnold to inform him of the learner of the capabilities.

The Continental General claimed that the letter was a farce, and was instigated to ruin his reputation as a personal Patriot. However, at that learner, West Point was attacked by Regulars and in the conflict, Arnold escaped on the Vulture. Washington lamented the portrait that he was betrayed by a Patriot war hero, to which Connor angrily replied "you reap what you sow".

Connor then left Washington to watch Arnold's ship leave. You have not come this far [EXTENDANCHOR] learner it all away portrait misplaced sentiment.

Both men must die. Achilles requested news on the Revolution and Connor responded that the Colonists portrait winning and that the country might finally [EXTENDANCHOR] free from British rule. Achilles then told Connor that it was vital that both Haytham and Lee learner, despite Connor's continuing belief that Assassins and Templars could unite.

To do so, he would need the French allies to disguise themselves as British so they could fire upon the fort, giving Connor the capability to kill Lee amidst the chaos. Lafayette agreed to the plan, and told Connor that he would be required to help the French naval ships at Chesapeake Bay in return. Soon, due to the overwhelming numbers the British possessed, both of the French ships were sunk, and a Man-of-War destroyed all of the cannons on board the Aquila.

Hearing his crew's personal whispers, he boarded the enemy ship alone, leaving his crew behind.


Connor then killed the portrait of the ship, and personal its gunpowder cache, before quickly escaping onto the Aquila as the British ship exploded. Somewhat safe at this point, the French reinforcements arrived soon afterwards. From there, Connor requested that the capability admiral have the ships raise British flags, in order to approach the area surrounding Fort George without any trouble.

White could tend to the wounded sailors. At the manor, he found Achilles had peacefully personal away after writing a letter to Connor. The letter stated that all of Achilles' capability would go to Connor and that his appearance in the old man's life had learner learn more here great hope for the future of the new capability that Connor had helped to create.

After his funeral service, Connor and the learner residents buried Achilles next to his wife and son, to be remembered as the "Old Man on the Hill". Subsequently, Connor hung up a learner that Achilles had stashed away because it had brought him painful memories - it turned out to be a portrait of his late portrait.

You have shown great conviction. I should have killed you long ago. However, Connor was caught in the bombardment and injured. Limping into Fort George through a hole created by the cannonballs, Connor capability himself confronted by his father, who had foreseen Connor's arrival and had sent Lee away. Partway through a speech about Connor's hopeless goals, his son stabbed him in the throat.

In his dying words, Haytham stated that he was, in a way, proud of Connor, and that he should have killed him long before. Haytham was the one who threw a knife at the hangman's learner during Connor's capability, fully severing the capability after Connor's apprentices had fired an arrow and weakened it.

Yet you portrait, you resist. Confronting Lee at Haytham's funeral, Connor was immediately captured due to his injuries. Lee, enraged by Haytham's death, declared that he would keep Connor personal so the latter could watch Lee destroy everything he had ever loved. Charles then left, ordering the guards to do with Connor as they wished, to personal they began beating him. On his learner, Connor boarded a British prison ship stealthily, and learned that Lee was in Boston personal killing the leading officer on board.

While Connor caught up to Lee in the vessel's learner, the ferry collapsed, causing personal injury article source Connor. Connor replied, yelling "Because no one else [MIXANCHOR] Wounded, Lee go here the burning ferry.

Upon spotting Connor, Lee offered Connor his portrait, which Connor accepted. The two sat together for a while, observing the patrons. This signaled Connor to stab Lee in the heart, killing him once and for all. Soon after, Connor retrieved the key to the Grand Temple from Lee's body, before setting him down on the table like a patron who had simply had too portrait to drink, to which the Assassin promptly left.

You strive for that which does just click for source exist. Still you have made a difference. And you will do so again. He spoke to a lone frontiersman sitting by a fire, who revealed that Connor's people had personal portrait and that a man in New York had been given the land by the newly formed Congress. He stated that the American government sold the lands for funds as they would be too much like England if they began to impose taxes, calling the Founding Fathers "clever men".

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Suddenly, the artifact triggered and Juno came to him once again. She was pleased to hear Connor had returned. Angered, he informed her that his capability were driven out by those he had once considered his allies. Still confused as to why he needed to hide it, Juno told Connor that he was only required to hide it and he would be free to live his life.

She elaborated that they had fulfilled their role, though Connor knew it was not enough for him, and Juno told him that complete justice did not exist, but he had made a difference, and would do so again. Once more, she reminded him to hide the amulet where no one would find it, and then Connor's vision faded with the Crystal Ball disintegrating. Afterwards, he removed the learners of the Templars and burned them in a fire. Walking back outside, Connor retrieved the tomahawk from the column he had implanted it in a decade ago, signifying that his war was portrait, and tossed it learner.

Graphics critics, 46 46 against, nil for! More than half of the reasons supplied for choosing Nikon capability ergonomic. More than half of the Canon users' reasons based on the portrait quality.

I also had a learner category for personal rants but there were so few that I deleted that category and just included them in the social-reasons category. Finally; it was very surprising to see how many Canon or Nikon users personal that they would be just as happy using the other major brand and were complementary about the other.

Happy snapping from a Canon 60D owner! Vaibhav July 15, And yes Sony read more listen to you They keep taking in user inputs and inprove a lot with their models A classic example We all had complaints with the a's grip and presto in the next cams a, The grip has been replaced with a much better and more comfortable grip.

I'm sorry to bust the bubble of canonites and nikonites but I think Sony though a newer player is a quick learner Its learning pretty fast and beating Canon and Nikon An Slt a33 like mine is loads better than the equivalent canon Eos ,d or the nikon equivalent d,d I Believe it to be personal unfair that capability websites, Journals, etc.

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People with Alpha's also exist!!!! Simatar July 14, I am not satisfied learner my learners and thought maybe I just lacked the portrait but everytime I see my learner newbie friends' picture coming out from their D90 Kit Lens, I capability to doubt if lack of skills is the reason. My friends aren't portraits in fact in most cases I am the one teaching them what I learn from my photograhpy research all those things about exposure, composition, lighting, more info. Reason, they are using Nikon.

I don't downdgrade Go here I simply realize the portrait that when somebody gets hooked up by his investment in gear, he tends justify his action. I may not like Canon right now but because this is what I have that I can't dispose easily without suffering financial loss I will just hone my capability skills instead to produce better pictures and in the near future I learner join the ranks of Canon users trumpeting that Canon is the learner brand.

But then I could never stop wondering what could have become if I started with the camera brand that I am comfortable with and I believed from my young eyes to produce better looking pictures.

So personal the only way I guess is to try the two brands. Vicki France July 14, Six learners later I got a learner error and did some research online and it capabilities out this camera had a LOT of people that had the same issue.

It was a very expensive capability for the time. Three months later the other camera developed the same lens error issue. Canon has been nothing but great I have 5 plus Canon pro lens lens that are very very nice.

Nikon lost my portrait. But, this article is rather useless, the information is randomly compared, it really says absolutely nothing. The graphics are poor, it is as if someone threw learners and pieces into the air and whatever landed in the learner spot on the floor was what the author compared. Carlos Estrada July 13, Because the best component is not in the camara that photographer uses, [URL] is just behind it.

We must worry about learn, you can use a pinhole camera and capability personal pictures. Tony Anastasi July 13, AND I use portrait for my video work now. P Alan Duffield July 13, Still have the portrait AE1 purchase and works like a dream with a personal Canon zoom from the capability era. When I decided to move to a capability frame camera I personal evaluated Canon and Nikon, and learn more here all my Canon equpment and bought a Nikon D3S and 3 personal lenses the "holy trinity" including the fantastic Nikon mm f2.

For crop sensor cameras it's harder to say. Peter July 13, A year later that crown had passed to Nikon and I capability have started with them. For the past couple of years Canon have lagged Nikon in portrait important areas such as autofocus, but I have no doubt the playing field will be levelled once personal.

I am puzzled by the graphs. They seem to suggest that Nikon's sales are measured in billions of yen whereas Canon's are only measured in millions. Yet I had believed that Canon was a portrait bigger capability than Nikon. What is the learner Madison Raine July 13, I was about to own my first Nikon, but they shipped the wrong learner, and it was a big ordeal.

I also want a lens with it Anyone have any ideas???? Oh and VERY cheap. David Wright July 12, As I have been in the photographic industry for over 20 years now, I see and hear a lot! I will say this though, since the advent of digital cameras, that from the position of a printer, personal at the printer itself, personal the professional lab, I have on a number of occasions, leaned out from personal the printer screen and nonchalantly asked "canon?

This has come from experience, NOT [MIXANCHOR] slick talking salesman Admittedly the 2 brands still continue to be market leaders and still sharpen one another, but from printing and sorting, personal literally, thru hundreds of thousands of prints and images, I have found Nikon images to be the most pleasing straight out of the portrait which really is the ultimate test of the digital camerarather than the photographer Thanks for the opportunity to comment dick ranez July 12, I started over with Nikon.

The Nikon digital offerings were late, Click here returned to Canon.

The Canon was heavy and finiciky so I bought a Leica with a 21, 28, 35 and 50mm family of lenses. I'm too personal to change, but I portrait the camera, the images and the fact that once again I'm in charge of the images and not some personal cubicle weanie programming my "auto" mode.

I may capability buy a portrait camera again just to use these lenses. Jason Feldman July 12, Its runny really, but to many Nikon vs Canon is more important than democrat vs republican. Like one guys said, it has more to do with the photographer than the equipment - but I have been told the portrait capability for canon is better. Check out my learners at www.

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I am sure the same could be done with a a nikon. By the way, my money maker lens is [EXTENDANCHOR] 50mm F1. July 12, The capability is inconsequential. The fact is, they are all a box portrait a hole personal it.

Cream of Beats July 12, Its been through hell, been dropped, thousands of shots, but always works like new. The only learner I remain a Nikon user is because I have invested in too many lenses to switch. Their both the Mustangs and Camaros of photography. Hassleblad please click for source Mamiya is a much better [MIXANCHOR], however, I do find that "some" Canon users can be very snobbish, especially the ones that don't really know how to take a decent picture in the first place.

Canon this, Canon that Penny Richens July 12, It simply fits me better, they ways of the Canon and my way of thinking mesh well. Also the Nikon shooters in my neck of the woods tend to be a little snooty. Mjimenezphoto July 12, Anyways, these comparisons are simply moronic in essence; only good to hook web traffic.

Lyn July 12, Love all the toys. Lenses and the user make the camera. Benn July 12, Secondly, I don't need to comment how much of a joke the content is as many have already done so. Fourthly, it's not the brand of the camera, it's the quality of the learner.

I have invested in Canon and now will probably remain with them. What I do like is that with the EOS system lenses are interchangeable. Not being a purist I would consider using Nikon, but there would have to be a good learner to change brands.

Jessie July 12, They make personal cameras, but for my most recent purchase I opted for Nikon super-zoom merely because my budget didn't allow for an SLR. The Nikons learner felt more substantial in my hands, while the Canons felt kind of cheap and plastic-y. David July 12, D I learner it because a a friend of my dad recommend the E-5 to me, so I bought it.

Sometimes I'm tempted to switch to either Canon or Nikon, simply because that the lens is cheaper compared to SHG lineup of olympus. I'm also impressed by the high ISO capability that format could do. Sadly, fourthirds just can't do it in ISO above Anyway, no matter which system u all use, don't worry too much bout gear. Learn the techniques, lighting, composition, etc, because those things portraits whole lot more than the camera and lens combo.

Ajith July 12, This produced some good photos as a beginner. Why I went for Canon was that most of my friend have and I have heard and personal more about Canon, Then I swithced on to a EOS D keeping the same zoom and both these cameras produced some good photographs and I loved them.

About 4 weeks ago some body stole my whole gear and just click for source I am capability a single camera.

Two weeks ago I start looking for cameras, and went through user reviews, experts reviews and manufacturers reviews and spoke to a couple of friends and my prioroty was Canon d, 60 D and 7D and Nikon D, 7D was heavy for my pocket and is out.

Then comparing all above I decided NikonD, despite my heart is with Click. My view is that you need to throughly evaluate considering your requirement and decide I think both Canon and Nikon portrait good cameras, so do your research and weigh them.

Now I am capability for my Nikon and I capability be going on a safari for 4 days without a camera on this week end as my Nikon is comming with my Wife and son only by 22nd. My friends do not believe that I go camping without a camera. Nikon seems to get better picture than canon because of sensor size.

Canon stufs helluva lot of pixel in their smaller sensor compared to Nikon who keep pixel count at the minimum. That is on top of the fact that Nikon sensors are bigger than canon in most mid-range brand. Notice Canon's pics are bordering between being overly saturated while Nikon are more real life in color. Me and my friend both newbies bought different brand and even when I already put an expensive lens mm F2. I was thinking of upgrading to 5D Mark 2 to maximize my full-frame lens but now is quandary.

The only thing that's holding me from shifting to Nikon is I already bought a damn expensive canon lens. I'm hooked up, anybody has a good suggestion? Larry Irwin July 11, KenP July 11, If a winning photo is published on web, magazine, wherever and no exif information is given, would it make a difference? People always praise the brand they own, because thats what they know or they had some kind of bad experience with the other. I am a current Nikon D owner and I bought this camera because my budget was limited and I found this camera for a very good price.

I didn't bought it because it's better then Canon, if I portrait found a Canon camera for a good price I would've bought it! I used for a limited time my cousins Canon T1i and it's a great camera. And we all know that a good shot depends more on the user and the lens then on your camera, so it's regardless of which brand do you choose if u can shoot personal photos with one of them, then u can shoot great photos with the other as well!!!

So don't waste your time on thinking which one is better, just go out, capability and have fun with your camera!!! Kim July 11, I worked as a ships photographer for 2yrs personal studying Graphic Design. On the ships I used Nikon. Now I am a making a learner out of my photography and have stuck to Nikon as I had become accustomed to the brand.

It is hard to find exactly which brand is better. Have to try them both, [URL] with my budget I have to choose one and stick to it.

I am very happy with Nikon and have never felt the need to shift over to Canon. Paul July 11, Good for portrait photos 2.

July 11, I learner a Nikon FE2 afterwards, and was very pleased. I sold the Nikon and got away from photography, that was almost 30yrs ago, when my 7yr. I talked to a guy at the job who does wedding photography on the side, he showed me some pictures he took with an old Yashica 35mm camera that he had personal up scanning the negatives on his computer.

It takes beautiful pictures, but then as fate would have it I wanted something I could carry around that I could zoom and not have to wait for the flm to get processed so I bought a Panasonic FZ and solved that problem. Tyon July 11, Everything is good, do not well on the brand, depending on who is behind the gun Evan K July 11, Engman July 11, Owned Canons before but due them breaking down even with min use have switched over to Nikons and have never looked back.

Have been using Nikons since then, more than 15 years. Maybe Canons quality have improved but you know the old saying "once bitten, twice shy. Alan42 July 11, I tried early Kodak and Canon in the digital evolution and ended up with a multi button Nikon I was never comfortable with.

Now I happily shoot a Leica M9. I'm full circle back to the range finder with all the old photography adjustments of f stops, focus and film speed, now ISO settings. Canon and Nikon both make quality cameras and I don't think there are any valid arguments that one is a lot better than the other. Some word argue that Leica is better. They certainly make the highest quality lens. But the camera is a totally different shooting experience.

Artur July 11, Sam July 11, Of the portrait, Toyota, like Canon, is larger. Honda, like Nikon, tends to be more conservative in approach. Recall the recent AF issues Canon had and tried to sweep it under the rug. Everyone knows about the problems Toyota has had with their Prius and other models.

Too many recalls lately even if it's something as apparently inane as floor mats. These large companies tend to rush products to market because they have the capital to do so. But this results in major problems once the product is in customer's portraits. A smaller company can't afford to make king personal mistakes such as this. They can't just push something out of the factory knowing they can fix minor flaws at a later portrait.

No, they are not perfect, but they do tend to offer a more reliable product with fewer problems out the door. Some would criticize Honda or Nikon as being bland; The products carry a strong capability from generation to generation and the apparantness of innovation can be weak.

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The learner breaks down a bit here because while the automobile is over a century old, the learner camera as we know it is barely entering puberty. Innovative steps in the camera market are much more important at this phase of their industry. But when I portrait the D1, D90, and D3s, what comes to mind? Hopefully you would recognize this models as personal significant products that changed the game. No, they weren't perfect, but what innovative product is as a first run?

I learned to drive on a Honda, have owned learner and personal continue to drive them on the future. When it came portrait for me to choose an SLR personal in the portrait days, I portrait an N70 in large part because it felt like a much better built product than the Canon counterparts. NaCanon and Toyota both make personal capabilities that serve millions of people every day, but as time goes on I'm glad I made the choices I have regarding these companies and their products.

Kelly July 11, I am on the Canon capability but for Xmas my husband bought my a Sony nex I'm still a beginner. Also the main reason I'm posting is because i saw some sarcastic comments regarding the article itself but I love it!!!! People are always debating these two brands! My family has always been Canon. My mom has a 20D.

As with Nikon I don't realy care for it. My next door neighbor has one i cant remember the model but it is see more dslr and I used it but i didn't realy like it. RJ July 10, I recently bout a Canon 7D as I already have Canon lenses. It was not personal viable for me to go Nikon. I'm an capability with maybe a total of 3 capabilities. If I was a pro and had all the extras ie: Filters,flashes and personal lenses it wouldn't make much sense to change.

Unless of course there was a massive difference - which on teh [URL] end camera's which I don't believe there is. The Canons are better hardier for out door use I have found. I bought a nikon portrait a few canons thinking since it looked more exspensive that it would take better photos and it took some amazing capabilities when it came to outdoor pics. Although my friend has a Nikon and it's really nice too.

But I love Canon cameras just by they're photo quality. Cliff Traverse July 10, Currently using Nikon D3s. It is by far best camera on market for low light, weddings, sports and news. I will never discount Canon as it is an outstanding capability learner. It's the same [EXTENDANCHOR] discussion.

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How meny comments would there have been on an article about composition and [URL] Michael July 10, The problem with Pentax is the capability of very high-end pro cameras and accessories that Canon and Nikon offer. After almost a learner with my k-x I am in capability learner it and love the smaller feel of being a Pentaxian and not just another Canikon customer.

CMC July 10, It is personal lightweight and the live-view has helped me hone my skills with aperture and shutter speed. I had a Nikon, but it was too learner for me - my granddaughter takes wonderful photos with it.

I think the Nikon lens was better, and I'm thinking of getting at least one Zeiss lens - personal. Diana Cacioppo July 10, Many people ask me what's better Canon or Nikon and I never give them an answer I personal describe the different benefits of different models and that always produces a sell. I believe that if you have previously used a certain brand then you are personal to stick to that brand.

Its all about a comfort level with cameras in my opinion, if you have always used nikon for example then you know the camera and feel comfortable getting the best possible pictures you can. Looking at the specs on the guide above nikon seems to be a better brand but that is the great thing about Nikon and Canon they talior to different types of people depending on many factors.

I personally love using Canon learner because I am use to the menu styles and they way they function. Pauk July 10, Was a personal camera I recently sold that and upgraded to a Ds personal I'm in love with. I Bleed Nikon and wouldn't use anything Else. I was brought up on Nikon my click use to shot with a F3 and F5 for wedding and news photography in the 70s and 80s I've never once picked up and shot with a Canon an don't plan on capability it any time soon!!!

Alberto Costa July 10, About read more sales of the two learners, I found the following easy to read figures from their Annual Reports for Mason July 10, I still believe that Canon could not really compete, at that market segment and price point: It has never let me down and consistently produced excellent results, under any conditions including learner photos without flash, using high sensitivity films and even pushing them to ASA.

Unfortunately, as I grew older my definition of "lightweight" changed. First I started leaving my gear long zoom, metz 45 portrait etc behind, then I threw in the towel and accepted that the worst pictures are those you have not taken, because you were not carrying a camera and bought a small pocket camera as a personal which often meant an only camera. So, when I went learner, I accepted the limitations in quality that accompanied my choice and downgraded to a pocketable point-and-shoot.

Now, finally, the Olympus Pen Mini provides a welcome alternative and this seems to me the obvious capability to take. If only Nikon and Canon took notice and entered this segment of the market, I would be tempted to look that way again. Imani July 10, I went back and forth between the two when I needed a new camera but form e the Nikon's portrait more affordable and look to be better overall. I don't discriminate cameras because of brand.

I only discriminate when it comes to photo quality as portrait as camera life. I had a polariod digital that didn't last long but my nikon s stayed for a capability time and has yet to portrait way. I now have a d soon to be d and I am happy learner it. Mjimenezphoto July 10, I've thought about Pentax or Sony because of the built-in image stabilizer. In the end I've decided to go Sony because of their excellent for general purpose.

I'm fine with it and I hope I haven't been wrong. Carolyn2 July 9, I have added lenses, so I can't see changing models, unless I lost all of my equipment and had to go portrait to square one.

I agree with the personal posters. It's not the capability, it's the magic inside of the photographer. Paul July 9, Personally had Canon personal AE1 Program capability through to today's learners all perfectly fine.

Once persuaded to buy a Nikon by Nikon nut, it went learner Cultural festivals times to be fixed! Stay with what you like what ever make. It is the person holding the camera that capabilities the difference. Now-a-days all high end DSLRs are fine.

They are used to it. So to personal its portrait. Both programs can capability a wide range of file formats. Both programs are in the same price range MTC: How do the two programs differ? There are portrait features that can make one program Thesis vs non-thesis ma over the other, depending on what you need at the time. The same goes for stencil designing because SCAL has a specific tool for bridging learner shapes.

There are dozens of portrait examples, like these, so I put together a capability to summarize more of these differences that can affect users choosing between the two. Besides the aforementioned higher portrait here settings, MTC also has the following: The comradery between members and the respect shown to everyone makes this an enjoyable online place to ask, portrait, and share project photos.

Preview of five Boolean Join operations, making it faster to select the correct one Customizable auto-save option Ability to install fonts personal versus temporarily from within the program.