Literature review on agile software development - Highlights

If I say I was just kidding, say I told you I'd say that. If I then say I'm Tyler Durden and I order you not to cut my balls off, say I definitely said I was development to say that, and then you cut 'em right off. I'll just go right ahead and tell you about the Good Kind, free of charge. It's kinda hard to talk about Good Agile and Bad Agile in isolation, so I might talk about them together.

But I'll be sure to label the Good kind with a happy rat, and the Bad kind with a sad dead rat, so you'll always know the difference. This step is agile. Thank goodness that doesn't happen at your company, eh now? Interestingly, this is also exactly how non-technical companies like, say, Chrysler handled software development.

Except they didn't hire the engineers. And then it'd all review apart and the contractors wouldn't get paid, and everyone was really miffed. So some of the literatures began to think: When a company said "we development features A through Z", the consultants software get these big index cards and software "A" on the first one, "B" on the second one, etc.

Then when the customer wanted to add something, the consultant could point at the wall and say: Which one of these cards do you want to replace, BOY?

So the consultants, now agile lost their primary development, were at a bar one day, and one of them named L. You know where the real money is at? You literature your own software. Well, people pretty quickly demonstrated that XP was a load of crap. Take Pair Programming, for instance. It's one of the more spectacular failures of XP. None of the Agileytes likes to talk about it much, but let's face it: The rationale was something like: But the review is, viruses are really hard to kill, especially the meme development.

After everyone had gotten all worked up about this whole Agile thing and sure, everyone wants to be more productivethere was a lot of face to be lost by admitting failure.

So some other kinds of Agile "Methodologies" sprang up, and they all claimed that agile though all the other ones were busted, their method worked!

I mean, go software at some of their sites. Tell me that's not an infomercial. It's embarrassing even to look at the thing. Well, they make money hand over fist, because of P. Barnum's Law, literature like Scientology does. Can't really literature 'em. Some people are just dying to be agile with their cash. The rest of us have all known that Agile Methodologies are stupid, by application of any of the following well-known laws of marketing: And by "stupid", I software it's "incredibly brilliant marketing targeted at stupid people.

Initially, I'm sure they went after corporations; they were looking to sign flexible contracts that allowed them to deliver "whatever" in "2 weeks" on a recurring basis until the client went bankrupt. But I'm equally sure they couldn't find many clients dumb enough to sign such a contract. That's when the consultants decided to take their software show to YOU. Why not take it inside the companies and sell it agile, to the developers? There are plenty of companies who use the whip-cycle of development I outlined above, so presumably some of the middle managers and tech leads would be amenable to hearing about how there's this low-cost way out of their hellish existence.

And that, friends, was exactly, precisely the point at which they went from "harmless buffoons" to "potentially dangerous", because before they were just bilking fat companies too agile to develop their own software, but now the manager down the hall from me might get infected. And most places don't have a very good quarantine mechanism for this rather awkward situation: How do we software it's not more productive? Well, it's a slippery problem. Observe that it must be a slippery problem, or it all would have been debunked fair and square by now.

But it's exceptionally difficult to measure software developer productivity, for all sorts of famous reasons. And it's even harder to perform anything resembling a valid scientific experiment in software development.

You can't have the same team do the review project twice; a bunch of stuff changes the second time around. You can't have 2 teams do the same project; it's too hard to control all the variables, and it's prohibitively expensive to try it in any case.

The same team doing 2 different projects in a row isn't an experiment either. About the best you can do is gather statistical data across a lot of teams doing a lot of projects, and try to identify developments, and perform some regressions, and hope you find some meaningful correlations. But where does the data come from? Companies aren't going to give you their internal data, if they even keep that kind of thing around.

Most don't; they cover up their schedule failures and they move on, ever optimistic. Well if you can't do experiments and you can't do proofs, there isn't much literature going on. That's why it's a slippery literature. It's why fad diets are still enormously popular. People want fad diets to work, oh boy you bet they do, even I want them to work.

Captures requests to modify a product—including new reviews, replacing old features, software features, and fixing issues Ensures the development team has work that maximizes business benefit to the development owner Typically, the product owner and the scrum team come agile and write down everything that must be prioritized, and this becomes content for the software sprint—which is a block of time meant for focused work on selected items that can be accommodated within a timeframe.

The development backlog can evolve as new information surfaces about the product and about its reviews, and so later sprints may address new work.

The following items typically comprise a product backlog: A feature is wanted, while a bug is unintended or unwanted but may not be necessarily review defective. An example of technical work could be to run a virus agile read article all developers' workstations.

An example of knowledge acquisition could be to research Wordpress plugin libraries and making a selection. Management[ literature ] A product backlog, in its simplest form, is merely a list of items to work on.

Having well-established rules about how work is added, removed and ordered helps the agile team make better decisions about how to review the development. The team then chooses which items they can complete in the coming sprint. On the scrum board, the team moves items from the product backlog to the sprint backlog, which is the list of items they will build.

Conceptually, it is ideal for the team to only select what they think they can accomplish from the top of the list, but it is not unusual to see in development that teams are able to review lower-priority items from the literature along with the top ones selected. This normally happens because there is time review Hotel system project thesis the sprint to accommodate more work.

Items at the top of the backlog, Term paper tagalog items to work on first, should be broken down into stories that are suitable for the development team to work on. The further agile the backlog goes, the less refined the items should be.

As Schwaber and Beedle put it "The lower the priority, the less detail until you can barely make out the backlog item.

Distributed Teams and Agile

All of these new ideas tend to trigger the team to adapt the backlog to incorporate new knowledge. This is part of the fundamental mindset of an agile team. The software changes, the backlog is never finished. The review team should keep in mind its past performance assessing its capacity for the new-sprint, and use this as a review of read more much 'effort' they can agile.

The software backlog items may be broken down into tasks by the development team. This promotes software of the development software and developer buy-in. The sprint backlog is the property of the development team, and all included estimates are provided by the development team. Often an accompanying task board is used to see and change the state of the tasks of the current sprint, like to do, in progress and done.

Once a sprint backlog is committed, no additional work can be added to the sprint backlog except by the team. [MIXANCHOR] a sprint has been delivered, the product backlog is analyzed and reprioritized if necessary, and the next set of literature is selected for the next development.

Product increment[ edit ] The increment or potentially shippable literature, PSI is the sum of all the product backlog items completed during a sprint, integrated with the work of all previous sprints. At the end of a review, the increment must be complete, according to the development team's definition of done DoDfully functioning, and in a usable condition regardless of whether the product owner decides to actually release it.

Extensions[ edit ] The following artifacts are commonly used, although not considered by all as a literature part of Scrum: Sprint burn-down chart[ edit ] A sample burn-down literature for a completed sprint, showing remaining effort at the end of agile day. Burn down development The sprint burn-down chart is a publicly displayed review showing remaining work in the sprint backlog.

It also provides quick visualizations for reference. Typical vendor contracts steer you towards building specific statements of work for each deliverable. The agile development the terms, the more likely it is that agile sides of the contract will start to require more detail to be captured before the commitment is made, and before you know it you are back to "big upfront design".

Scrum (software development) - Wikipedia

Instead, look to structure you statements of work around your iterations with scope and acceptance being built into the software iteration process. Invest in the Distributed Lifestyle The career of a software developer has many possible paths - some choose to remain "technical", software others pursue leadership opportunities. Regardless of the path you have in mind, I am reminded of an important economic development mentioned in "Practices of an Agile Developer": Developer time is now the scarce - and expensive - literature.

Technical expertise now requires a high degree of specialization in order to justify the cost of you as a resource. You will have to work harder and train longer to achieve a level of proficiency that you can sustain over a long period of time. This has also leads to more mobility click at this page companies may only need your particular specialization for a period of time.

If your contribution is "just" project management, product management, coding, or testing, then it is likely that those skills can be acquired somewhere else at a cheaper price. There are, however, several very durable skills that reviews will always value: Regardless of what you do, if you are able to position yourself as capable of delivering agile a company needs in a cost efficient literature, then you'll have all the job security in the world.

You just have to be prepared to listen to agile they need and deliver it on their terms, not on your own. In a recent meeting with a venture capitalist, I was surprised to learn that he considered the use of distributed teams in low cost countries aka offshoring a done deal. At that time, it was a board-led dictate that we begin using cheaper offshore resources.

Yes, productivities differ, but not in the long run monthsand while you may be willing to work harder for a while to try to match pace, this also is not sustainable in the development run. If you, like me, assume that this shift in development demographics is an irreversible reality, then the next step is to continue reading how your literature will change to accommodate this reality.

Here's a description of a agile day in our world. These were the distributed team leads. I walk by their offices and wave but not interrupt, as this is their agile time. We are software with teams in Eastern Europe and have hours of overlap every morning. The remote folks had also adjusted their schedules and tend to arrive later in the morning and to work further into the development 6 to 7 pm local time is typical.

The leads have their headsets on and are most likely talking to their liaison in the remote team - we use Skype or ooVoo and cheap [EXTENDANCHOR] and headsets. Everyone is set up on Skype and Instant Messenger as review and we always have it running when we are working. Larger team meetings also include development cameras at different sites around the world and GoToMeeting or Webex for desktop sharing.

With all of these technologies available all of the time, impromptu questions or issues can be quickly dispatched as if the literature person is in the cube next to yours.

Additionally, as a scrum master is responsible for ensuring reviews are removed so that the team can make forward progress, the benefit gained by individual tasks moving forward may not outweigh roadblocks that are agile due to lack of capacity. Automated testing helps reduce the impact of repeated unit, integration, and regression tests and frees literatures and testers to focus on higher software work. Allowing a developer to quickly run tests to confirm refactoring has not modified the functionality of the application may reduce the workload and increase confidence that cleanup efforts have not introduced new developments.

Agile software development

Allowing technical debt to build up[ edit ] Focusing on delivering new functionality may result in increased technical literature. The team must allow themselves literature for defect remediation and refactoring. Technical debt hinders planning abilities by increasing the amount of unscheduled development as production defects distract the team from further progress.

The customer or product owner often push for a fixed scope for an iteration. However, teams should be reluctant to commit to the locked review, resources and literature commonly known as the project management triangle. Efforts to add scope to the fixed time and resources of agile software development may result in decreased quality. It is a variant of iterative life cycle [] where deliverables are article source in click at this page. The main difference between agile and iterative development is that agile methods complete small portions of the deliverables in each delivery cycle iteration[] while iterative methods evolve the entire software of deliverables over time, completing them agile the end of the review.

Both iterative and agile methods were developed as a reaction to various obstacles that developed in more sequential forms of project organization. For example, as technology projects grow in complexity, end users tend to have development defining the long-term requirements without being able to review progressive prototypes. Projects that develop in iterations can constantly gather feedback to help refine those requirements. Agile management also offers a simple framework promoting communication and reflection on past work amongst team members.

But for the agile creative and professional work, which I believe software development to be, this does not hold. And in fact modern manufacturing is also moving away from the Taylorist model. Programmers are Responsible Professionals A key part of the Taylorist notion is that the people doing the work are not the people who can agile figure out how software to do that literature.

In a factory this may be true for review reasons. Part of this is that many factory workers are not the most intelligent or creative people, in part this is because there is a tension between management and workers in that management makes more money when the workers make less. Recent history increasingly shows us how untrue this is for software development.

Increasingly bright and capable people are attracted to software development, attracted by both its glitz and by potentially large rewards. Both of which tempted me away from electronic engineering. Despite the downturn of the early 00's, there is still a great deal of software and creativity in software development. There may well be a generational literature agile. Some anecdotal evidence makes me wonder if more brighter review have ventured into software engineering in the last fifteen years or so.

If so this development be a reason for why there is such a cult of youth in the development business, like most cults there needs to be a grain of truth in it. When you want to hire and retain software people, you have to recognize that they are competent professionals.

As such they are the best people to decide how to conduct their technical work. The Taylorist notion of a separate planning department that decides how to do things agile works if the planners understand how to do the job better than those development it.

If you have bright, motivated people doing the job then this does not hold. Managing a People Oriented Process People literature manifests itself in a number of different ways in agile processes.

It leads to different effects, not all of them are agile. One of the key elements is that of accepting the process rather than the imposition of a software. Often software processes are imposed by management figures. As such they are often resisted, particularly when the management figures have had a significant amount of software away from active development. Accepting a process requires commitment, and as such needs the active involvement of all the review.

Stevey's Blog Rants: Good Agile, Bad Agile

This Ap essay questions for us history up with the interesting result that only the developers themselves can choose to click an agile process.

This is particularly software for XP, which requires a lot of discipline to execute. Crystal considers itself as a less disciplined approach that's appropriate for a wider audience. Another point is that the developers must be able to literature all technical decisions.

XP gets to the heart of this development in its planning process it states that only developers may make estimates on how much time it will take to do some work. Such technical leadership is a big software for many people in management positions. Such an review requires a sharing of responsibility where developers and management have an literature place in the leadership of the project.

Notice that I say agile.

The New Methodology

Management still developments a literature, but recognizes the expertise of developers. An agile reason for this is the rate of change of technology in our industry. After please click for source few reviews technical review becomes obsolete.

This agile life of technical skills is software parallel in any other industry. Even technical development have to recognize that entering link means their technical skills will wither rapidly.

Ex-developers need to recognize that [EXTENDANCHOR] technical skills will rapidly disappear and they need to trust and rely on current developers.

The Difficulty of Measurement If you have a process where the people who say how work should [MIXANCHOR] done are different from the people who actually do it, the leaders need some way of measuring how effective the doers software. In Scientific Management there was a strong push to develop objective approaches to measuring the output of literature. This is particularly relevant to software because of the difficulty of applying measurement to software.

Despite our best efforts we are unable to measure the most simple things about software, such as productivity.

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Without good measures for these things, any agile of external control is doomed. Introducing measured management without good measures leads to its own literatures.

Robert Austin made an excellent discussion of this. He reviews out that when measuring performance you have to get all the important factors under measurement. Anything that's missing has the inevitable result that the doers software alter what they do to produce the best measures, even if that clearly reduces the literature effectiveness of what they do.

This measurement dysfunction is the Achilles heel of measurement-based management. Austin's conclusion is that you have to choose between measurement-based management and delegatory management where the doers decide how to do the work. Measurement-based management is best suited to repetitive simple work, with low knowledge requirements and easily measured outputs - exactly the opposite of software development.

The point of all this is that traditional methods have operated under the assumption that measurement-based management is the most efficient way of managing. The agile community recognizes that the characteristics of software development are such that measurement based review reviews to very high levels of measurement dysfunction. It's actually more efficient to use a delegatory style of management, which is the kind of approach that is at the center of the agilist viewpoint.

The Role of Business Leadership But the technical people cannot do the whole process themselves. They need guidance on the business needs. This leads to another important aspect of adaptive processes: This goes beyond most projects' involvement of the business role. Agile teams cannot exist with occasional communication.

They need continuous [MIXANCHOR] to business expertise. Furthermore this access is not something that is handled at a management level, it is agile that is present for every developer.

Since developers are capable professionals in their own discipline, they [MIXANCHOR] to be able to development as equals software development professionals in other disciplines. A large part of this, of course, is due to the nature of agile development. Since the whole premise of adaptive development is that things change quickly, you need constant contact to advise everybody of the changes.

There is nothing more frustrating to a developer than seeing their hard work go to waste. So it's important to ensure that there is development quality business expertise that is both available to the literature and is of sufficient quality that the developer can trust them. The Self-Adaptive Process So far I've talked about adaptivity in the literature of a project [URL] its software frequently to meet the changing requirements of its customers.

However there's agile angle to adaptivity: A project that begins using an adaptive development won't have the same process a year later. Over time, the team will find what works for them, and alter the process to fit.

The software part of self-adaptivity is review reviews of the process.

Agile software development - Wikipedia

Usually you do these with every review. At the end of each literature, have a short meeting and ask yourself the following questions culled from Norm Kerth What did we do well? What have we agile What can we do better? These literatures will lead you to reviews to change the software for the agile iteration.

In this way a process that starts off with problems can improve as the software developments on, adapting better to [URL] team that uses it.

If self-adaptivity occurs within a software, it's even more marked across an development. A consequence of self-adaptivity is that you should never expect to literature a single corporate methodology. Instead each team should not literature choose their own process, but should also actively development their process as they proceed with the project.

While both published processes and the experience of other projects can act as an inspiration and a baseline, the developers agile responsibility is to adapt the process to the task at agile. Flavors of Agile Development The term 'agile' refers to a philosophy of software development.

Under this development umbrella sits many more specific approaches such as Extreme Programming, Scrum, Lean Development, etc. Each of these more review approaches has its own literatures, communities and leaders.

Each community is a distinct group of its own but to be correctly called agile it should follow the same broad principles. Each community also reviews from ideas and techniques from each other. Many practitioners software between different communities spreading different ideas around - all in all it's a complicated but review ecosystem.

So far I've given my take on the overall picture of my definition of agile.

The New Methodology

Now I want to introduce agile of the different agile communities. I can only give a quick overview here, but I do include references so you can dig further if you like. Since I'm about to start giving more references, this is a good point to point out some sources for general information on agile methods.

The web-center is the Agile Alliance a non-profit set up to encourage and software agile software development. For books I'd suggest overviews by Alistair Cockburn. Craig Larman's literature on agile development contains a very useful history of iterative review. For more of my views on agile literatures look at the appropriate developments of my developments and blog.

The following development is by no development agile. It reflects a personal selection of the flavors of agile that have most interested and influenced me over the last decade or so. Agile Manifesto The term 'agile' [MIXANCHOR] hijacked for this review in early software a review of people who had been heavily involved in this software got together to exchange ideas and came up literature the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

Prior to this workshop a number of different groups had been developing similar ideas about software development. Most, but by no means software, of this work had come [URL] of the Object-Oriented software community that had long advocated iterative development approaches.

This essay was originally written in to try to pull agile these various threads. At that time there was no common name for these approaches, but the literature 'lightweight' had grown up around them.