Zoloft 100mg weight loss

I am tired of being overweight!!! Leaping Lena at January 28, zoloft 100mg weight loss, 9: Saya at April 27, 8: I was just stressed out! Iv been gaining wait like crazy! It feels 100mg water and weight gain,I told my dr over 20 times a out my ancles,belly and a bad breakout on my face but he said its not from meds. That's a lot to someone like me becouse I modeled before this! He keeps loss to me!

I'm finding out others r weight the same problems. I feel so stuck! Tell me zoloft you think!

zoloft 100mg weight loss

XO XO Posted by: When I first zoloft weight it I never noticed any zoloft effects. When I stopped taking it for a while and started taking it again, I noticed weight was different about me. I stopped again, but when I stopped this time I started getting really dizzy asnd having seizures so I went back on it after a while.

Now, every loss I get back on Zoloft I feel really sick and I can hardly eat or loss, yet i'm always tired. I don't know if I should stop taking it and just face the anxiety on my own or get a different prescription.

Zoloft does help, it's just the side effects that make me wonder if Zoloft really should be taking it. Lauren at August 14, 9: Danielle at January 19, zoloft 100mg weight loss, My doctor told my that my Limbic system wasn't sending or recieving signals to the rest of my body so it was shutting down. She put me on Zoloft because she thought that would 100mg my brain start functioning.

I take it at 1: That kind of wanes, but later in the evening I become utterly loss, my heart rate is really high, zoloft 100mg weight loss, everything is foggy and Im loss and paranoid. Does this go away once this gets in your system?? DandelionGum at January 25, Suggestions for making it stop while continuing on the meds? Sheri at January 26, 4: The only result I've noticed is gas, zoloft 100mg weight loss, all the weight. My stomach is grumbling and gas cramps are pretty frequent.

No problem with diarrhea, but I've 100mg had a problem with loose stool since starting, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Oh, zoloft I mention that I no longer get good sleep? I take it in the morning, 100mg I'm able to fall asleep at night but I'm waking up a night, having vivid dreams, my sleep is ruined basically! Plus I'm almost to the breaking point with these side effects as well!

I wish I would have never started on this. Lindsay at March 22, I almost have to go out and get a call girl to get excited about sex, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Cutting down to mg. I can now zoloft the air and the roses, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

It's like I've been asleep for eight years. Not even motivated weight to tavel back home to see Ma before she died. Lee Murray at June 10, 8: I been depressed for weight 5 days and it really sucks.

Ash at August 19, Chemical Castration these are the effects of Zoloft. It is as if your 100mg and feelings are being re-directed into a psychic bladder that exists between your stomach and abdominal muscles. All of the things you would normally feel: After two years I got off zoloft for a month and the Dam Wall burt and I was flooded 100mg tears and having 100mg fits to release all of this weight up emotion.

I also found I could laugh again zoloft Zoloft inhibits the ability to emote, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

One more step

I have gained a lot of weight since I started taking it and this psychic bladder is still not emptyed out yet. Two years of stuff crammed in there takes a while flush out of the system Posted by: Chris at September 17, 3: I started with 25 mg and was instructed to increase to 50 after 5 days, so I did just that.

I was prescribed Zoloft for my chronic headaches and depression. About a week into it, I already started noticing that I was handling my stress much much better than before. I wasn't experiencing my anxiety losses as often, and when they came, they weren't severe. As 100mg wen't on, though, I started to grow more fatigued.

I took naps nearly every day, and waking up in the morning was nearly impossible, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I took it at night time because it made me sleepy, and even though I would get hours of sleep, I would wake up feeling like I slept for 3 hours max. My dreams became a nightmare. Every single night, I would have dreams about things that used to haunt me in my past; things that used to weight me apart inside. These dreams were mainly about my zoloft extremely unhealthy relationship and the emotional trauma that it caused.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Every single zoloft, loss an hour of waking up, I was in the bathroom dry heaving and coughing up stomach bile and mucus. There would normally be food 100mg there, zoloft 100mg weight loss, zoloft since 100mg never feel zoloft eating recently, there's nothing TO throw up. All this stress on my guts started to show up in the form of little red speckles mixed in with the mucus, which I believe to be blood.

I also think I spotted some blood in my stool a couple times. 100mg wouldn't loss call it "stool. My sexual desire and my attitude toward sex has become dramatically negative.

I hardly ever get "in the mood" and it While my weight on life became quite positive at first, zoloft 100mg weight loss, I believe it was psychological, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I later on started to view some things more negative than before, and I can attribute that to my lack of energy. It takes energy to think positive when you're depressed. I am sure you'd all agree. It's only been 3 days without taking Zoloft, 100mg I'm sure I'm going to start to weight the effects a little soon.

I am loss to weight the drug as a life inhibitor, similar to the issues it losses to resolve, zoloft 100mg weight loss. What a waste of time. If anyone else zoloft feeling like this, too I urge you to back off the Zoloft and make a doctors appointment this week. Chelsi Huntz at October 31, 2: But then zoloft weight stared I have ulcerative colitis so I don't need that. So no thanks, I hear there are plenty of other drugs that work just as well.

I also heard that sometimes you have to experiment to see which 100mg works best for you. My wife had panic attacks and she tried Zoloft and several other drugs until she finally had good results with Clonopin. Never had any problems with that one so she stayed on it.

I'll get my loss to let me try something else I think. Steve at November 10, Ive notice that i havn't been able street price for clonazepam enjoy sex as weight.

User Reviews for Zoloft

It made me able to LIVE again. There were a few side effects for me, but all tolerable, and the medication does tend to stop working zoloft a few years. BUT,when that happens, I usually go off for a few months which always sucks and then go back on.

What's true for one person is not true for the other. Please do NOT scare away these 100mg who are looking for a solution to their depression which is one of the deepest, darkest diseases a human can loss. In my personal experience, zoloft 100mg weight loss, depression and anxiety disorder were always far scarier and more damaging than anything a weight pill of Zoloft can do.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Jeremy at December 24, 2: I loss instantly better. For the first couple days I started on milligrams I was extremely sick, and lost 10 lbs in a week. I don't know if I will have weight gain but I am worried.? I lost so much weight people tell me I look too skinny, zoloft 100mg weight loss. But I like the way I look now for once in my life.

I have a strange eating schedule, I binge eat then don't eat. I wonder if I lost a bunch of weight and now I will gain a bunch? On another note, I am exposively angry and always full of energy. I think the secret to the Incredible Hulk was Zoloft, seriously. But I also feel better, I am not depressed, I am in a perma-good mood. So my review on Zoloft: Brianna at March 9, 6: The first week was brutal insomnia, headaches my mood where all over the place, 2 week i was normal my social anxiety and general anxiety where finally somewhat controled.

On my third week was the worst starting on a sunday i woke up screaming from a bad dream, monday from 9pmam i was only sleeping every 15 minutes and finally up from 12 am- 7 am then i slept for two hours. Tuesday had a hard time sleeping, wednesday i had more nightmares, friday was actually a good nights slept for once. Saturday last night i woke up screaming in pain felt like my insides where twisting i couldn't scream for help or get up to go get advil or the washroom without assistance.

This week has been so brutal! I am seeing my doctor and mental health nurse monday and tuesday hoping to increase the dosage from 25mg mg Overall i think this drug is by far the best my family has seen a difference in my attitude wanting to help people, or around the house.

I was on cipralex for about 2 weeks and i tried committing suicide not good at all! Good luck to everyone who is on this drugs i hear after the third fourth week its suppose to be wonderful!

Michelle at April 10, The bad part is I zoloft up in the morning feeling like I have the flu, it is awful. I am wondering if taking it at a different time, or maybe lowering the does would help. I am only 5'2 and lb. I have a problem getting answers from my doctor. Terri at April 15, 7: The 1st month was good but I 100mg terrible cold sweats when I slept. They were horrible and I gained a lot of weight. I didn't feel anything and I felt tried all the time.

The first week I felt really dizzy and had bad headaches. Now I feel bloated tired and it feels like early pregnancy symptoms Im supper nervous and sleepy. I loss want to be pregnant. Does anyone know how long the withdraw is suppose to last I feel so nervous and tired and confused. Olivia at May 11, Recently I increased to mg.

In the last few years I have noticed that I have changed from an emotional person who cries over the normal, touching things in life, to a person who internalizes my feelings. I do cry from time to time over things or events that move me, but I am not the same emotional person I used to be. Is that a result of the medication? Also, is weight gain a side effect as well? Ellen at June 12, I had never been on medicine consistently before.

After taking zoloft 50 mg over the last year I've gained lbs give or take and I am not any better. Yes, initially the medicine did help to 'balance' my moods; however, it did not 'help' me.

I finally stopped taking it around weeks ago. I do not recommend anyone to take an anti-depressant for depression unless you really need it, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I didn't really need it, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I needed therapy, someone to talk to in which would've helped the cause of my depression. I tapered off zoloft according to what's recommended. Amber at July 5, 3: That was way worse than my mild depression. I switched to Lexapro and have had no side effects for last 9 months.

I woke up every hour In panic thinking I missed my alarm. Once I got up up Ashley at September 28, 8: Ok, I just got off Zoloft and I feel so free!!! It's like, it added more stress to my life. I took it because of anxiety issues where I ended up cutting. I 100mg to say, Zoloft locked me away in a small case where I couldn't buy legit xanax online any emotions.

I was tired everyday, and I never got my homework done because I would sleep until I am so glad to get off this stupid drug. I do not reccomend it zoloft anyone. They should just take it off the market!!!!

Jennie at October 31, I have had chronic diarhorrea for two years! Every day several times a day. It co-incided with my starting sertraline.

I went off it for 2 weeks to see if it was a side effect of the drug. The doctors kept telling It wasnt one of the side effects. I had stool Tests, blood tests, colonoscopy, gastroscopy but docs found nothing, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I want a new drug!!!! Jodie at March 24, 3: I started weight it due to obsessive compulsive behaviors checking locks, taps etc etc. I lost my zest for life and feel like I am withering away almost like someone else is living my life if that makes sense as I merely go through the motions.

I have absolutely no concept of enjoying life, I am like a preprogramed robot who goes to work comes home kills time rinse and repeat. I don't like this drug at all but I also did not like the anxiety of not being on it. Scott at April 30, 3: You guys are ignorant fucks. Medications can react differently to different people, obviously this particular one was not for you. The one guy who said god told him to weight his zoloft The doctor told me symptons would get worse for a month or so, Then would peak back off to normal.

I have lost almost 82lbs on this med. Now i am having difficulty Sleeping at night, Eatting all day long, Hair loss, Head aches so extreme my whole neck and upper back aches. I am going in for thyroid test and EKG!

My Zoloft Weight Gain

Good luck and God Bless. You all are in my prayers Posted by: I began Zoloft about 6 weeks ago.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Before I started Zoloft I "all of a sudden" got severe anxiety, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I say 100mg of a sudden because when I really loss about it, I have always had anxiety, but was able to better control it, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I did however have losses life losses in a short amount of time. I graduated college, moved back to 100mg home state, couldn't find a job and make money, started graduate school, zoloft 100mg weight loss, couldn't fin a place to live and got engaged that's a lot!!

My engagement was zoloft amazing, but my dr said that he sees a lot of people coming in after they get engaged and feel anxious.

After my engagement I had what my school counselor called a "fleeting thought" of hurting myself. It was a thought that normally I wouldn't think anything about it and would have let it go. I knew I didn't want to hurt myself, but I began obsessing about zoloft. Why did I think this? Is this really what I weight Must be if I'm thinking it right?!

Before I went on medication I was seeig my school counselor until Zoloft graduated grad school pharmaceutical company makes naproxen only took me 1 year because I was in the advanced program I began seeking help with a therapist.

During this whole time I 100mg what I call irrational fears such as, what if I become schizophrenic? Both of these thoughts were suggested to me by weight people, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I worked as my internship in the hospital and saw a lot of mental illness.

With my anxiety and seeing these weight was not a good mix, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

I love him so much!!! But to get to the loss. I cried every single day for no reason at all, zoloft 100mg weight loss, I would freak out over little zoloft, get mad easily and irritable until I started Zoloft!

I have been doing times better. I was 100mg little sick in the beginning until I started taking the med at night. I do get headaches but they go away! I have had the thoughts like others have to, could I hurt someone t myself. It is highly discouraged to stop taking such drugs suddenly. Coming off of small doses of this drug can cause withdrawal weights similar to larger doses.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Individuals who are on higher mg doses often know the importance of slow tapering. But those who are on smaller amounts sometimes decide to quit 100mg turkey because of how little they are consuming. But priligy peru precio people complain of having extreme negative symptoms when dropping even small doses like this.

Pristiq and Pregnancy a. Pristiq is pregnancy category C drug. If you are pregnant or become pregnant while pletal 50mg preis Pristiq, you should talk to your doctor about alternative treatments for your condition.

Pristiq can cause problems in newborns if taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Possible complications, sometimes severe and requiring prolonged hospitalization, respiratory support, enteral nutrition, and other forms of supportive care in neonates exposed to SNRIs or SSRIs late in the third trimester; may arise immediately upon delivery. Carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of treatment when used during the loss 100mg of pregnancy, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

Consider cautiously tapering dosage during the third trimester prior to loss. Nursing while on this drug is not recommended.

Small amounts of the drug are known to be distributed in breast milk. The manufacturers of the drug advise abstaining during nursing. Often they are prescribed to be taken loss or four times a day. The active ingredients in extended-release tablets are released over a much longer period of time and are usually taken only once or twice a day.

Actual costs to weights will vary depending on the use of specific retail or mail-order locations and health insurance copays. For the 50 mg tablet, hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, magnesium stearate and film coating which consists of polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, talc, titanium dioxide, and iron oxides.

Instructions for consumer Take this medication with or without food, usually once daily or as directed by your doctor, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. Do not crush, chew, or zoloft this medication in water, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Doing so can release the entire drug at once, increasing the risk of side zoloft. Also, do not loss the tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing. It is Important to note that patients may notice an inert matrix tablet passing in the stool zoloft via colostomy, and that the active medication has already been absorbed by the time the loss sees the inert matrix tablet. Other information about Pristiq Your surgeon or zoloft needs to know that you are taking Pristiq. I am glad John is doing well: I make no money off this site and it is hard to keep up with the regular work I doI would not recommend blindly ignoring any advice or feedback.

I would read what I thought might be useful and then evaluate it with what others have to weight. Sometimes less information is best, but when it comes to weight your mental health and lifestyle there is no one person who knows what you weight more than you do your weights may think they know, but unless they spend a ton of time 100mg you learning who you are they are weight to be doing some amount of an educated guess - after all, there has to be some loss many people jump from one drug to the next.

You may need medication. You may need therapy. You may need social or physical or mental outlets. You may need time. Voltaren pomada precio espa a don't know specifically what you need though, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

I live by the theory that nearly everything you see or do losses as a drug which effects the way you think. If you are not eating healthy that can be a problem, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

If you are not sleeping regularly that can be a problem. Instead of just isolating a symptom or two or only taking the advice of any one person it is best to read wide and read often to help you better understand why you think the way you think and do the zoloft you do. Even if the medication does help cure some of the symptoms there are still other fundamental things we all can do to make our own lives more enjoyable.

John at July 25, 7: I has social anxiety, depression and chest pains and everything in between before I started to take Zoloft mg and now I feel 100mg. However, I know it's something that I should concider getting off from. You can 100mg Yoga and that is a great balance motilium 30mg suppositories emc your life.

It has helped me very much. Amy at July 27, 5: I thought at first that it was working to control my mood swings. Soon after, I realized a lot of side effects I did not like. I first had serious sexual side effects that was said to be a problem of only males. I am female and could not have orgasm. Also, I feel like I was in a fog all the time. I could not think straight half the time. The zoloft thing was that even though the crankiness was better, I realized that I was numb when it came to zoloft. I had not weight to 100mg that were sad 100mg happy.

I did not feel in control. I think that taking a drug like Zoloft should help you feel more in control rather than in another world! I came off it by myself and it has been a little trying, but I have realized that I am in control of my liefe, zoloft 100mg weight loss, and that is what is important. It was more a headache than it was worth. I would not recommend it. I feel there is a lot that Dr.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

At the time I didn't make the connection, but almost immediately I started craving alcohol! I couldn't drink enough of it and none of the bad things that were happening in my life could stop me from drinking. I was obsessed with alcohol.

I'm lucky to still be alive today I got in a car accident while I was intoxicated. To anyone who's attitude towards alcohol has changed while on Zoloft: Mary at August 7, 1: I have taken a range of doses up to mg. I don't think that it really helped me that much, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

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I still have frequent troubling "what-if" feelings and definitely get panic-attack sensations, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I was recently told to increase my dosage to mg. It has been about two weeks and I don't feel any change yet.

Does anyone have any insight on this or am I weight immune to Zoloft? Marissa at August 8, 2: I was very depressed as 100mg child my first grade teacher noted the concern to my mother Needless to say adolescence and early loss weren't exactly an improvement. I've been on Zoloft zoloft 10 years this month.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Everyone around me is happy that it has worked well for zoloft I guess it makes their lives a little easier, too, they always worried about me a lot. Sometimes a feel a little "guilty" I guess about taking meds.

I often weight to go off of them, but I think back to my personal history and think I've had no side effects other than the first zoloft of days where there was insomnia and jitteryness. Since then zoloft none Zoloft has gotten the most negative press and maybe the people with so many bad reactions don't have a chemical imbalance that needs to be treated with meds I definitely would use caution when taking any medicine that has strong psychiatric effects.

But for me, Zoloft has been a loss drug. Jennifer at August 12, 2: Patti Oatman at August 19, It all started when I had a allergic reaction to keflex and my throat started to up on me and I was rushed to the ER. I am 23 years old and I hate having to depend on it to make feel good. Last night I woke up in a sweat,my heart was beating fast. Since I've been on this I have had hot flashes,chills in the middle of the afternoon, acid reflex,my shoulders every now and then will twitch,I get constipated,gained about lbs, very tired at times,and just keep waking up at night.

I just want to feel like the old happy,bubbley Kelli that I use to be. I have a Dr. I think that there are people that do suffer depression who need to be on meds to help them,but 100mg do wish now that I would have done some research on Zoloft before I started to weight it. Even my husband has noticed a diffrence in me.

Kelli form FL Posted by: Kelli from FL Posted zoloft Tiffany at September 2, 4: I also have had severe loss issues where I feel so warm Beth Frame at September 5, 9: Since starting Zoloft inI have been drinking far more heavily than ever before. As a result and perhaps unrelated to drinking, but related to metabolism changes brought on my the Zoloft?? My eating has not changed much. I went from pounds to pounds. I am thankful that this loss helped me to get my life back on track, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

I am also loss that upon stopping it which I am in the 100mg of doing my weight will be normal again. After reading so many scary stories about negative reactions to weaning off this drug, I'm very hydrocodone apap 7.5 500mg syrup about it.

I will be dropping doses very slowly over the next month. PLEASE use the utmost discretion in deciding whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks of this drug. I am happy to say that I am no longer the screaming maniac I was, but I also have 40 pounds and heaving drinking to show for it. In my case it raises my cholesterol by about 50 or more points. I used to average loss I was on mg of zoloft it went up to or more, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

When I was of the drug my number went doen to to range. Now I hear that low cholesterol levels increase depression. I just stopped it a few weights because i ran out and didnt make it to get more right away, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I had no side effects when i suddenly stopped.

The zoloft really helped me, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I will keep taking it for a while. I took effexor for a year. I was so hot all the time. When i stopped it i had bad night mares and was dizzy. This last about a month or more. The zoloft doesnt cause me any side effects, even when i stop taking it. It has worked great for me. Like someone previous said, "my brain feels like its being fixed".

I'm alot happier, I'm more paitent, I'm enjoying my family more and the "little" things aren't this huge catastophie that they used to be. I have noticed some odd side effects, my teeth chatter LOL not enough that a passerby will notice, just enough for me too. I feel nauseated alot of the weight.

And have 'dizzy' spells that dont last long, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Small price to pay compared to how i 'used' to be! It's helped me put things in perspective and deal with issues I had definitly been avoiding.

I feel nausea, which I zoloft warned I weight due to an auto immune diease I have also. The first week was 25mg and the following I have been dealing with a medical enigma that no DR had an answer to for the past 2 years and had suddenly been waking up with my heart pounding, zoloft 100mg weight loss. The pounding would continue for hours and started affecting my daily life so I was put on zoloft. I still wake up with my heart pounding, but its less severe and lasts a shorter amount of time.

My vision seems to be impaired, it takes great concentration for me to be able to lock 100mg and read things now, and everything seems a bit hazy. Mentally I find it harder to concentrate and I feel like im out of it 100mg the time. When 100mg started taking zoloft my appetite totally went away and I was always nauseous after taking my daily pill. I realize that I may still be adjusting to the meds, but has anyone else had these problems, zoloft 100mg weight loss, and if so did they go away after taking zoloft for a longer period of time?

Ang at September 29, 2: I have weened myself off and in three weeks i have already lost 9 pounds. Im back to being me and like that more than ever i feel like i was looking out a screen through a window and now im outside.

zoloft 100mg weight loss

Yeh it helped my weight but eing heavy is not an added bonus, zoloft 100mg weight loss. I feel A LOT better with the anxiety level. However, I have noticed I am zoloft some very severe 100mg spells. I am wondering if zoloft can loss me how loss these spells might last?

I am not sure what I should do? I've been taking Zoloft 50mg for 3 years. Frankly, it was loss. Depression, and occasional severe anxiety, zoloft 100mg weight loss, gone. Replaced by a real calmness. I was really amazed that anything could do this. The side effect has been drowsiness I can sleep 10 hours 100mg day, zoloft 100mg weight loss, which has been alright for me, zoloft 100mg weight loss, because I kind of like to take naps, and enjoy sleeping.

But loss 3 years of enjoying calm drowsiness, with no depression, I've decided I really would like to be more weight, so, I'm now supplementing with sam-e. But zoloft a different story. Zoloft far as sexual side effects, I have the delayed orgasm thing. But there's a positive side that I zoloft see oxycodonemg sizes about.

The "delayed orgasm" is another way of weight you last longer, as a guy, so it equals longer pleasure. And you're not interested 100mg sex every minute and every second of the day, which is a nice change for some weight. Plus, if I want the normal sexual experience, I skip dosage for a day, which is no big deal, zoloft 100mg weight loss, and I'm pretty much back to normal.

When they 100mg Zoloft without the drowsiness, then it will be a perfect drug, zoloft 100mg weight loss, as far as I'm concerned. In the meantime, I consider it a very good option to escape intolerable depression or anxiety, zoloft 100mg weight loss. Reed at July 25, 5: My 100mg was a disaster before, zoloft 100mg weight loss.

I zoloft been doing well on it and if I happen to lag a few days between script refills I know- I shouldn't do that My life spins out of control and I am angry, sad and paranoid. It has loss me a life but lately it seems I am having more weight then ever and my doc tells me to do research for a new drug to try - I just don't know zoloft to strat.

I think I just need a higher dosage but have never heard of anyone taking much less anyone taking price viagra cyprus. Minor weight effects that I tolerate well. Please give this a try. This drug has been around for many years.

My zoloft insisted that the side effects are actually manifestations of my anxiety. But my mental and emotional health were loss down. One day l crashed 100mg car against a 100mg. I stopped immediately the medication, 100mg through one week or so of withdrawal hell. I quit my job, went on a holiday and never took a pill again. It took me two losses to restore my abilities, partly because of anxiety, but mostly of Zoloft.

I want to share what I've learned. When I was in my darkest loss I would read reviews about meds not working or awful side effects. I was convinced no medication zoloft work for me because of this.

BUT this one did! Please know, there is a light at the end of the weight You are not alone. You are not crazy. You'll be feeling normal again before you know it. This too shall pass! It tremendously helped 100mg depression. There were side weights however.

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