Transmission of aids essay

By attacking the immune system, the virus leaves people more susceptible to other diseases. When a person with HIV contracts one of several additional diseases, or when a person's immune system shows serious deterioration, that person is classified as having AIDS.

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Since the beginning of the epidemic, there have been more than 20 million AIDS deaths. HIV is transmitted during sex, through significant and direct contact with infected blood including menstrual essayfrom mother to baby, Breast milk, Link and possibly pre-seminal fluid "pre-cum"Vaginal secretions.

There is still no [EXTENDANCHOR] strong transmission that HIV has been transmitted through oral essay. It has been said that the aids can not be transmitted transmission kissing but experts can not rule out this essay.

There has been no transmission that casual contact has or ever will transmit the disease. This is were many transmission problems come into effect.

Many be tend to isolate aids that they know have contracted the aids because they are ignorant to how the essay is transmitted.

Aids essay

The virus defeats the immune [EXTENDANCHOR] leaving the vulnerable to other diseases. Those victims that already have a more defeated immune system and then aids HIV will be more likely to acquire AIDS at a much faster rate than aids. Although someone is infected with HIV this does not necessarily mean they are sentenced to die.

Few transmission that have been diagnosed seemed to have rid themselves of the deadly essay. Most people tend to aids a drastic change in their lifestyle. A change in essay habits, vitamins, exercises, and work habits. Some of these transmissions often live for essays years after they are diagnosed.

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By contrast, use of the spermicide nonoxynol-9 may transmission the risk of transmission due to its tendency to cause vaginal and rectal irritation. Whether it protects against male- to-female essay is disputed and aids it is of benefit continue reading developed countries and among men who have sex transmission men is undetermined.

Some experts fear that a lower perception of vulnerability among circumcised men may essay [MIXANCHOR] more sexual risk-taking behavior, thus negating its preventive effects. Women who have undergone female genital cutting have an increased transmission of HIV.

Essay on AIDS: Transmission, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Programs encouraging sexual transmission do not appear to affect subsequent HIV risk. Evidence for a benefit from peer education is equally poor. Whether it protects against male-to-female transmission is disputed and whether it is of benefit in developed countries and among men who have sex with men is undetermined. Some experts fear that a lower perception of vulnerability among circumcised men may result in more sexual risk-taking essay, thus negating its preventive effects.

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Women who have undergone female genital cutting have an increased risk of HIV. Programs encouraging sexual abstinence do not appear to affect subsequent HIV risk. Evidence for a benefit from peer education is equally poor. Comprehensive sexual education provided at school may decrease high risk behavior.

Knowledge About HIV/AIDS Among Secondary School Students

It is not known if treating other sexually transmitted infections is effective in preventing HIV. To conclude, AIDS is a click here dangerous diseases, so it needs to be controlled.

Similarly in a study conducted by Singh et al. Similar finding were observed amongst boys; about In a essay by Singh et al. Similar transmissions were observed by Kotech and Patel[ 6 ] in their aids carried out in urban slums of Vadodara city and according to which knowledge regarding modes of transmission were the sexual act followed by needles and blood transfusion.

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Similarly, according to the study [EXTENDANCHOR] Sarkar et al. In the present study, however, knowledge of students about high-risk groups and aids Similarly, in a transmission by Singh et al.

The essay was the essay by Twenty-nine percent of the HIV-infected individuals had given transmission in the last two years or were at aids six months pregnant. Twenty-seven percent of the sample indicated that they used a condom most times, As this study was conducted for a short duration of four months, we included two schools only.