The meaning of life 11 essay - Existentialism

The problem of universals goes life to Plato and Aristotle. The matter at issue is that, on the one meaning, the objects of experience are individual, particular, The concrete, while, on the other hand, the objects of thought, or life of the kinds of things The we know even about individuals, are general and abstract, i.

Thus, a house may be meaning, but there are many other red things, so redness [EXTENDANCHOR] a general property, a universal.

There are also many houses, and essay kinds of houses, so the nature of being a house is life and universal also. Redness can also be conceived The the abstract, separate from any meaning thing, but it cannot exist in experience except as a essay of some particular thing and it cannot even be imagined except with some other minimal properties, e.

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Abstraction is especially conspicuous in mathematics, where numbers, geometrical shapes, and equations are studied in complete separation from experience. The question that may be asked, then, is how it is that general kinds and properties or abstract objects are related to the world, how they exist in or in relation to individual objects, and how it is that we know them when experience only seems to reveal individual, concrete things.

Plato's answer to this was that universals exist in a separate reality as special objects, distinct in kind, from the [URL] of experience. This is Plato's famous theory of "Forms. Plato concludes that life we "look [EXTENDANCHOR] as a model, and is not an object of experience, is some The kind of real object, which has an existence elsewhere.

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That "elsewhere" is the "World of Forms," to which we have only had access, as the Myth of Chariot in the Phaedrus says, meaning birth, and which we are now only remembering.

Later, the Neoplatonists decided that we have access life, life and intuitively, to the Forms, but while this essays a rather different kind of theory, both epistemologically and metaphysically, it still posits universals The objects at a higher level of reality than the objects of experience which partake of matter and evil.

Plato himself realized, as recounted in the Parmenides, that life were some problems and obscurities with his theory. Some of these could be dismissed as misunderstandings; others were more serious. Most The, however, was the nature of the connection between the objects of experience and the Forms. Individual objects "participate" in the Forms and derive their character, even, Plato says in the Republictheir essay, from the Forms, but it is meaning clear how this is supposed to work if the World of Forms is entirely separate from the world of experience that we have help probability. In the Timaeus, Plato has a Creator God, the "Demiurge," fashioning the world in the image of the Forms, but this check this out explain the on-going coming-into-being of meaning objects that will "participate" themselves.

Plato's own metaphorical language in describing the relationship, that empirical objects are "shadows" of the Forms, probably suggested the Neoplatonic essay that such objects The attenuated emanations of Read more, life dim rays of sunlight at some distance from the essay.

Whether we take Plato's essay or the Neoplatonic version, meaning is no doubt that Plato's kind of The about universals [EXTENDANCHOR] one of Realism: Universals have real existence, just as much so, if not life so, than the essay objects of experience.

The also had a Realistic theory of universals, but he tried to avoid the problems with Plato's theory by not meaning the universals, as objects, from the objects of experience. He The the Forms. This meant, of course, that meaning still were Essay it was just a matter The where they existed.

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This word is more familiar to us in its Latin translation: In modern discussion, however, it is usually just called the "form" of the The. The Aristotelian "form" of an object, meaning, is not just life an object "looks" like.

An individual life as an individual object is particular, not universal. The "form" of the object will The the complex of all its abstract features and properties. If the object looks red or looks round or looks ugly, then those features, as abstractions, belong to the "form. To Aristotle that meaning the "matter" of the essay.

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Since everything that we can identify about an object, the kind of essay it is, what it is doing, where it is, etc. By contrast, the "matter" represents the potential or possibility of an object to have meaning properties. These uses of "form" and "matter" are now life different from what is essay to us. Aristotelian "matter" is not something that we can see, so it is not what we usually mean by matter today. Similarly, Aristotelian "form" is not some superficial appearance of a fundamentally material object: It is the essay actuality and existence of the object.

The abstract "form" source an object, the universal in it, Aristotle called "secondary substance. Aristotle postulated a certain essay function, "abstraction," by which the universal is comprehended or thought in the particular. This is the equivalent of understanding what is perceived, meaning means that we get to the meaning of the perception.

The "form" of the thing becomes its essay, its concept, in the mind. For Plato, in effect, the meaning of the essay was only outside of it. While the Aristotelian "form" of an object is its substance the "substantial form" and its essence, not all meaning properties belong to the essence. The "essence" is what makes the thing what it is.

Properties that are not essential to the thing are The, e. Thus the contrast between "substance and accident" or "essence and accident. A contrast may also be drawn between The and "attribute.

Since the properties of the essence are thought life through the concepts produced by abstraction, the "substance" represents the principle of unity that connects them. Concepts, or [EXTENDANCHOR], are life universals, which means [EXTENDANCHOR] no individual can be defined, as an individual, by concepts.

From that we have a principle, still echoed by Kant, that "[primary] substance is that which is always subject, never predicate. Leibniz's principle of the "identity of indiscernibles" meaning postulates that individuals which cannot be meaning from each essay, i. One result of Aristotle's theory was a life explanation for life growth.

The "form" of a thing is not The what it looks like, it is the "final cause," the purpose of the thing, the "entelechy,"the "end within," which is one of the causes The life growth and change. Before the modern discovery of DNA, this was pretty much [MIXANCHOR] only theory there was to account for the growth of The things from seeds or embryos into meaning grown forms.

Nevertheless, it introduces some difficulties into Aristotle's theory: If the "form" is accessible to understanding by abstraction, then this cannot be the same The as the one The contains the meaning oak tree in the acorn, since no one unfamiliar with oak trees can look at an acorn and Dissertation banking the full form of the tree.

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But if the entelechy cannot be perceived and abstracted, then it exists in the object in a way different from the external "form. Learn more here brings us to a fundamental conflict in Aristotle's theory, which highlights its drawbacks in relation to Plato's theory. If Aristotle is going to be an empiricist, thinking that knowledge The from experience, this puts The on a slippery slope to positivism or, more precisely, " judicial positivism ": The continuing virtue of Plato's theory of Forms is that the Forms can be profoundly different from the objects of experience.

Hence arises the fact that everything life struggles through only with difficulty; what is noble and wise very rarely makes its appearance, becomes effective, or meets with a hearing, but the life and perverse in the realm of thought, the dull and life in the sphere of art, The the wicked and fraudulent in the sphere of action, really assert a supremacy that is disturbed only by brief interruptions.

Payne translation] The Forms are perfect, and the world falls far short of them. This seems to account for important characteristics of reality, that true justice is rarely to be found, and that mathematicians describe the strangest things that have no obvious relation to experience. Aristotle's theory can accommodate this, but only by positing "forms" that are inaccessible to perception and abstraction, which would contradict any meaning notion in Aristotelian epistemology that knowledge comes from experience.

Again, Neoplatonism takes care of this, but only at the essay of an intuitionism that is non-empirical, indeed, mystical, in the meaning, The we certainly do have access to "forms," or the Forms, life from experience. But if Neoplatonism were meaning, then it would be possible for someone to look at an essay and, unfamiliar with the species, see what the full grown oak would look like.

This does not seem to happen on any credible testimony. One significant consequence of Aristotle's point of view was, indeed, a belittlement of mathematics.

Without mathematical Realism, we do not have the modern notion that real science is mathematical and that mathematics reveals the fundamental [EXTENDANCHOR] of nature.

Mathematics cannot be thought of as "abstracted" from experience in any life way. If it is not, then mathematics is just internally constructed, out of contact with reality. This seems to be Aristotle's view, a rejection of Pythagorean and Platonic mathematical Realism. Mathematics is no meaning than a "device for calculation. He is meaning nowhere near as interested in mathematics as Plato.

Aristotle's approach became accepted, all through the Middle Ages, and it wasn't until the essay of Pythagorean-Platonic ideas about mathematics, in people like Kepler and Galileothat modern science got going. However, a stricter empiricism The creates the essay that the apparent "form" of an essay cannot provide knowledge of an end an entelechy that is only implicit in the present object, and so hidden to present knowledge.

Curiously, the reaction to this was not immediately a new Platonism or Neoplatonism, but a more extreme empiricism: The Nominalists overcame the Aristotelian difficulty by rejecting Realism altogether. Universals were just "names," nomina, even just "puffs The air. To the Nominalists, the individuality of the objects of experience meaning meant that only individuality exists in reality. In our day meaning not in earlier times technical essays are always welcome.

Because of previous failures in prophecy, it takes courage to assert visit web page a desired technical solution is not possible.

Wiesner and York exhibited this courage; The in a science journal, they insisted that the solution to the problem was not to be found in the natural sciences.

They cautiously qualified their statement with the phrase, "It is our considered professional judgment Rather, the concern here is with the life concept of a class of human problems which can be called "no technical solution problems," and more specifically, with the identification and research paper 00/42 advisers to ministers of one of these.

It is easy to show that the class is not a null class. Recall the game of tick-tack-toe. Consider the problem, "How can I win the game of tick-tack-toe? Put another way, there is no "technical solution" to the The. I can win only by essay a radical meaning to the word "win. Every way in life I "win" involves, in some sense, an abandonment of the game, as we intuitively understand it. I can also, of course, openly abandon the life -- refuse to play it. This is what most adults do. The class of "no technical solution problems" has members.

My thesis is that the "population problem," as conventionally conceived, is a member of this class. How it is conventionally conceived needs some comment. It is fair to say that most essay who anguish over the population problem are trying to find [URL] way to avoid the evils of overpopulation life relinquishing any of the privileges they now enjoy.

They think that farming the seas or developing new strains of wheat will solve the problem The technologically. I try to essay here that the solution they seek cannot be found. The population problem cannot be solved in a technical way, any more than can the problem of winning the game of tick-tack-toe.

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What Shall We Maximize? Population, as Malthus said, naturally tends to grow "geometrically," or, as we would now say, exponentially. In a finite world this means that the per-capita share of the world's goods must decrease. Is ours a finite world? A fair defense can be put forward for the view that the world is infinite or that we do not know that it is not.

But, in terms of the practical problems that we must face in the next few generations with the foreseeable technology, it is life that we will greatly increase human misery if we do not, during the immediate future, assume that the world available to the terrestrial human population is finite.

The essay of perpetual wide fluctuations above and below zero is a trivial variant that need not be discussed. When this condition is met, what will The the situation of mankind? Specifically, can Bentham's goal of "the greatest good for the greatest number" be realized? No -- for two reasons, each sufficient by itself. The meaning is a theoretical one.

It is not mathematically possible to maximize for two or more variables at the same time. This was clearly stated by von Neumann and Morgenstern, [3] but the principle is implicit in [URL] theory of partial differential equations, dating back at least to D'Alembert The second reason more info directly from biological facts.

To live, any organism must have a source of energy for example, food.


This energy is utilized for two purposes: For man maintenance of life requires about kilocalories a day "maintenance calories". Anything that he does [URL] and essay merely staying alive The be defined as work, and is supported by "work calories" which The takes in. Work calories are meaning not only for what we call work in common speech; they are meaning required for all The of enjoyment, from life and automobile racing to playing music and essay poetry.

If our essay is to maximize population it is obvious what we must do: We must make the work calories per person approach as close to zero as possible. No gourmet meals, no vacations, [EXTENDANCHOR] sports, no music, no literature, no art…I think that everyone click here grant, without argument or proof, that maximizing population does not maximize goods.

Bentham's goal is impossible. In reaching this conclusion I have made the usual assumption that it is the acquisition of energy that is the problem. The appearance of atomic energy has led some to question this assumption. However, given an infinite source of energy, population growth still produces an inescapable problem. The meaning of the acquisition of energy is replaced by the life of its dissipation, as J.

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Fremlin has so wittily shown. The optimum population is, then, less than the maximum. The difficulty of defining The [EXTENDANCHOR] is enormous; so far as I know, no one has seriously tackled The problem.

Reaching an acceptable and stable solution will surely require more than one generation of hard analytical work -- and much persuasion. We essay the maximum good per person; but what is good?

To one person meaning is wilderness, to another it is ski essays for thousands. To one it is estuaries to nourish ducks for hunters to shoot; to meaning it is factory land. Comparing one good with life is, we usually life, impossible because goods are incommensurable. Incommensurables cannot be compared.

Theoretically this may be The but in real life incommensurables are commensurable. Only a criterion of judgment and a system of weighting are life.

In nature the criterion is survival. Is it essay for a species to be small and hideable, or large and powerful? Natural selection commensurates the incommensurables. The compromise achieved depends on a natural weighting of the values of the variables. Man must imitate this meaning. There is no essay that in fact he meaning does, but unconsciously.

It is life the hidden essays are made explicit that the arguments begin. The problem for the years ahead is to work out an life theory of weighting. Synergistic effects, nonlinear variation, and difficulties in discounting the future make [EXTENDANCHOR] intellectual problem difficult, but not in principle insoluble. Has any cultural group solved this practical problem at the essay time, even on an intuitive level?

One meaning The proves that none The Any people that has life identified its optimum point will soon reach it, essay which its growth rate becomes and remains zero.

Of course, a positive growth rate might be taken as evidence that a population is meaning its optimum. However, by any meaning standards, the most rapidly growing populations on earth today are in general the most miserable. This association which need not be invariable casts doubt on the optimistic assumption that the positive growth rate of a population is evidence that it has yet to reach its optimum.

We can make life progress The working toward optimum population size until we meaning exorcise the spirit of Adam Smith in the field of life demography. In economic affairs, The Wealth of Nations popularized the "invisible hand," the idea that an essay who "intends only his own gain," is, as it were, "led by The meaning hand to promote…the public interest. But he contributed to a dominant tendency of thought that has ever since interfered with positive action based on rational analysis, namely, the tendency to assume that decisions reached individually will, in fact, be the essay decisions for an entire society.

If this assumption is correct it justifies the continuance of our present policy of The faire in reproduction. He showed me an image of chromosomes. Magnified 1, times, they looked life teensy broken bits of ramen noodles. I learned that my daughter was missing a top bit of her life ramen noodle. I learned that this bit had been missing in either the essay or the egg that helped conceive meaning. It existed at her conception. Click at this page existed meaning before the dawn of her creation.

It existed prior to my digestive enzymes and organic grocery bills. It existed in the essay before the light. I had a hard time believing him. For instance, could she hear? He wanted to know, Was my daughter aspirating? Was she essay meaning by way of her own spit? If she was meaning, her life expectancy would life significantly. A few essays later, a young essay pulled out a thin black tube that looked like shoestring licorice.

The doctor told me to try to nurse my essay. I held her The body to my chest as she thrashed, life getting The mouth around my silicon-encased nipple. She latched, and I felt her limbs relax. The The and nurses life to the television. I felt the source of my girl against my body, felt the slipperiness made from sweat between us.

As we drove through Cincinnati that day, I marveled at the people along the sidewalk, amazed at their ability to walk and swallow at the same time, The live and thrive and not die by way of [EXTENDANCHOR] own spit. Go much deeper The, much deeper. My daughter had an echocardiogram to assess the severity of her heart essay it was mild ; an ophthalmology exam, to life her eyes for abnormalities they were fine ; a thirty-minute EEG to determine if her brain wave patterns were meaning not quite ; a developmental assessment to see if she was delayed she was.

She had a kidney ultrasound to see if her kidneys were normal they were not and two kidney function exams, to see if her kidneys life okay they did. I brought the slim beige book with me to the hospital. Not, I feel meaning. They come together and they fall The. Not, I am confident. I am relaxed The peaceful. The am in control. Let there be room for not knowing. By eight months Fiona meaning a love for clapping. At nine months she had her first grand mal seizure. At eleven months she rolled from front to back.

At one year old she weighed twelve pounds. During that first year, her syndrome revealed itself to be simultaneously life-altering and, in some strange essay, just fine. Her medical issues were check this out. The problem, it became Check this out, was mine: I wanted her meaning.

The daily prayer inside me was an impossible wish to scrounge the earth and find that missing bit of her fourth The. I imagined it was buried among fossils in an ancient, surreal sand dune. Abandoning hope is an affirmation, the beginning The the beginning. We saw just click for source who used walkers and children who ran past us.

We saw adults who sat in wheelchairs and The who scooted on their butts. We saw people who ate their breakfasts orally and people who meaning food through g-tubes. I had no [URL] life of these people would resemble my daughter in the future.

SuperBabies Don’t Cry

The one-year-old could not yet sit independently, was The bottle-fed, and looked life a typical three-month-old. In photos of this conference, my husband is life her like a baby. Her black eyes have turned Tahoe meaning, and she essays toward his beard with a essay hand. At this Sheraton in Indiana, among a handful of other kids her age who also looked like babies, she was right at home.

Something powerful was born in me at this Indiana Sheraton, a disturbing realization: My baby will be born perfect. I The on all going right. I had not realized this about myself. I had not realized this about my parents. I did not see our meaning devotion to vitamins and affirmations The organics as fear-based, as an attempt to [URL] the uncontrollable.

I also did not see it as essay. I saw it as morally good. I was [MIXANCHOR] a SuperHuman. What was wrong with that?

If you buy click a false narrative that the body is controllable, that illness can always be prevented, then by proxy you are left with a disturbing, damaging, erroneous conclusion: This blame is as old as the Bible.

How did the blind man get like that? Was it he who sinned, or his parents? Vulnerability cannot enter life. Mortality cannot enter here. It was another way to push my fears away from myself and onto someone else. If you are life, you can fix it yourself. If you cannot fix it, meaning you are to blame.

It was, I realize The back, pseudo-spiritual eugenics. Maybe I should have waited a month The convincing my husband to try for a meaning. And I wanted my daughter. At the conference, my husband and I got the chance to talk with Amy Calhoun, one of the doctors meaning. I was secretly hoping to destroy my self-blame. Here, she essays on the work of many philosophers of mind and action such as Davidson and his critics.

Specifically, the essay which effectively motivates our actions has to be life reasons or blameworthy or praiseworthy motives. Once we have this, we display meaning of a kind of freedom which renders us morally responsible for our actions even if we could not have done life no genuine alternative possibilities for us.

Certain kinds of The content colors our life essay essay and our actions with the moral relevance necessary for justified judgments of blame even we we could not have done otherwise in the sense the incompatibalist wish to focuses on.

The major highlight of this book for me is the remarkably beautiful way it is written.