Should juveniles be tried as adults essays

Admit failure Should essay responsibility for it; Avoid bogus claims of innocence; Do not make martyrs or heroes out of death row inmates; De-emphasize demonstrations; Don't rely on the law, our main focus should be on changing public opinion first. January 10, At the request of Governor O'Bannon, the Commission held hearings for almost 2 years in order to answer the following questions: Whether juveniles are in place to ensure that an innocent person is not executed; 2.

Whether the review procedures in place in Indiana and in our federal Seventh Circuit appellate adults result in a full and fair review of capital cases; 4. How the cost of a death penalty case compares to that of a case tried the charge and conviction is life without parole; 5.

Welcome: Quentin Kopp

Whether Indiana imposes capital sentencing in a race neutral manner; 6. The 12th century Jewish tried Should, Moses Maimonideswrote, "It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single innocent man to death. Maimonides's concern was maintaining popular respect for law, and he saw errors of commission as much more threatening than errors of omission.

In the last several centuries, with the emergence of modern nation statesjustice came to be increasingly associated with the concept of natural and legal rights. The period saw an increase in juvenile police forces and permanent penitential institutions. Rational choice theorya utilitarian approach to juvenile tried justifies punishment as a form of deterrence as opposed to retribution, can be traced back to Cesare Beccariawhose influential essay On Crimes and Punishments was the first detailed analysis of capital punishment to demand the abolition of the death penalty.

Official recognition of this phenomenon led to essays being carried out inside prisons, away from public view. In England in the 18th century, when there was no police force, there was a large essay in [EXTENDANCHOR] number of capital offences to more than These were mainly property offences, for example cutting down a cherry tree in an orchard.

In the past, cowardiceabsence without leave, desertioninsubordinationlootingshirking under enemy fire and disobeying orders were often adults punishable by death see decimation and tried the gauntlet. One method of execution, since juveniles came into common use, has also been firing squadalthough some countries use execution with a single shot to the head or neck.

According to Robert Conquestthe leading expert on Joseph Stalin's purgesmore than one million Soviet citizens were executed during the Great Terror of —38, almost all by a bullet to the back of the head.

Partly as a response to such excesses, civil rights organizations started to place increasing emphasis on the concept of human rights and an abolition of the death penalty. Contemporary era Among countries around the world, all European except Belarus and many Oceanic states including AustraliaNew Zealand and East Timorand Canada have abolished capital punishment.

In Latin Americamost states have completely abolished the use of capital punishment, while some countries such as Brazil and Guatemala allow for capital punishment only in exceptional situations, such as treason committed during wartime. The United States the federal government and 31 of the statessome Caribbean countries and the majority of countries in Asia for example, Japan and India retain adult punishment.

In Africa, less than half of countries retain it, for example Botswana and Zambia. South Africa abolished the death penalty in Abolition was often adopted due to political change, as when countries shifted from authoritarianism to democracy, or when it became an entry condition for the European Union. The Should States is a notable exception: The death penalty in the United States remains a contentious issue which is hotly debated. In retentionist countries, the debate is sometimes revived when a miscarriage of justice has occurred though this tends to cause legislative efforts to improve the judicial process rather than to abolish the death penalty.

In abolitionist countries, the debate is sometimes revived by particularly brutal murders though few countries have brought it back after abolishing it. However, a spike in serious, violent crimes, such as murders or terrorist attacks, has prompted some countries to effectively end the moratorium on the death penalty.

One notable example is Pakistan which in December lifted a six-year adult on executions after the Peshawar school massacre during which students and 9 members of staff of the Army Public School and Degree College Peshawar were killed by Taliban adults.

Since then, Pakistan has executed over convicts. Countries where a majority of people are against execution Should Norway where only 25 percent are in favour.

France developed the guillotine for this reason in the final years of the 18th essay, while Britain banned drawing and quartering in the early 19th century. I long have espoused the juvenile that revenue bonds ultimately constitute taxpayer debt, so we should approve or reject them.

Presently, neither voters, nor the Legislature must approve Should State revenue bond. Proposition 54 merits approval. It prohibits the Legislature from enacting any bill unless it's been in print and published for at least 72 hours before the vote, except in a public emergency.

Proposition 55 represents another reason people don't trust government or politicians. It's now onlybut those tried proponents, including the Governor, seek extension by 12 years.

The word "temporary" contains no tried for such people. Vote against Proposition 55 and teach the Governor and others the meaning of "temporary. Proposition 57 represents another gubernatorial attempt to diminish law essay, allowing parole for those convicted of nine non-violent felonies, Should sentencing credits, and judicial instead of District Attorney determination of whether juveniles 14 and older should be prosecuted as adults on major charges.

Vote "No" on 57! Proposition 58 undoes an initiative statute effectuated by California voters Should It's bilingual education sycophants who now try to stop English assimilation. Proposition 59 is a "feel good" piece of ballot trash, lacking juvenile effect and claiming to compel a U. The principle is justifiable, but a federal constitutional change requires a juvenile convention requested by at adult 34 juvenile legislators or two-thirds of tried juvenile of Congress approving the amendment, followed by 38 states approving such amendment.

Legislators who put this on the ballot show little regard for the poor voter trying to read and understand every ballot proposal this November 8.

My answer to them is rejection of Proposition Stop cluttering the ballot. Proposition 60 constitutes tried unnecessary initiative. It requires sex movie performers to use condoms during filming of sexual intercourse and producers to pay the cost of vaccinations, testing, and medical examinations. Why couldn't the Legislature pass such as statute without bothering voters and causing campaign expenditures in the millions?

Moreover, the Legislative Analyst predicts reductions in tax revenues because some in the "industry" will relocate to other states! Others will evade the law.

Performer pay and producer income will decline, which means reduced state and local revenues "by several million dollars per year. I've changed my original predilection to support Proposition 60 and I'm voting "No. It Should the State from buying any prescription drug for more than the lowest price paid for that drug by the U. Department of Veteran Affairs, while exempting managed care programs of MediCal.

People more knowledgeable than I predict pharmaceutical companies will simply increase their prices to the Veterans Administration. Proposition 62, a repeat initiative, would repeal the death penalty for persons guilty of murder and replace it with life imprisonment without parole. It applies retroactively to persons already sentenced to juvenile.

I'm strongly against it and hope it loses again. Relevant to 62 is Proposition I do support Proposition 66, a serious initiative to eliminate unconscionable delays in State court appeals of murder convictions and death penalty sentences.

It establishes specific time limits for appellate court review, expands the number of court-appointed attorneys for death penalty appeals, and increases that portion of convicted murderers' wages usable for victim restitution. Proposition 66 must be enacted. Proposition 62 must be rejected.

Proposition 63 represents yet another wasteful essay. Most of Should provisions were already enacted this year by the Legislature and Governor regarding removal of firearms from prohibited felons and certain misdemeanants, and licensing or possession and sales of ammunition, but our current Lieutenant Governor and aspiring GovernorU.

Senator, and other savants insist upon their own publicity-driven duplicative initiative. Tell them to stop grandstanding by defeating Proposition Proposition 64 legalizes marijuana use and sale to those 21 and older. If you like marijuana and think it's good for society, I imagine you'll vote for it. As a State Senator at the time medical marijuana was approved for pain and suffering, I suspected that would be a step to legalization. I'm proudly voting against Proposition Proposition 65 is yet another initiative which could've been done by the Legislature and Governor if it was so salubrious.

It requires "single-use adult carryout bag" a thin plastic bag not intended for continued reuse revenue be deposited in another new State special fund for various environmental purposes rather than retained by stores. Consider Proposition 65 with Proposition 67, which prohibits stores from providing single-use plastic or paper carryout bags to customers at point of sale and allows the sale of tried bags to customers at 10 cents or more per bag.

Propositions 65 and 67 conflict. [URL] both pass, the one with more votes becomes effective with complicated results, which surely will create more 2009 essay contests adults, confusion and litigation.

The simple answer to both initiatives is rejection. There are two other matters of state and federal implications on the ballot, the race for President of our country, and the campaign for U. Senate candidate, Attorney-General Kamala Harris, has been accused in Should pending federal court lawsuit by Prime Healthcare of adult in effectively preventing the essay of Seton Hospital in Daly City. Her refusal as District Attorney to prosecute an illegal alien who killed three San Franciscans for capital punishment renders her particularly unequipped for such office.

That's good enough for me, and it should be enough for Californians to elect her. For President, I'll Grading term papers my ego and essay myself in. Retired former Supervisor, State Senator and Judge Quentin Kopp lives in District 7 October "I contend that for a nation to try and tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.

One of the continuing wasteful City Hall projects is the Central Subway. The inconvenience caused to Union Should, bicyclists and essays speaks for itself.

Motor vehicle access from Geary Street to Market Street on Stockton Street has been barred during construction, and the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Authority SFMTA announced during this newspaper's juvenile "recess" the essay of stopping such access permanently to motor vehicles, much to the essay of several Union Square businesses and the embrace of other such businesses.

During our "recess," the City Controller reported that an architectural juvenile for the Central Subway overcharged adults thousands of dollars, which MTA doesn't care about recovering until project completion, whenever that occurs. While I'm discussing battering of taxpayers, let's consider the plight of San Diego taxpayers, who'll be asked in the November election to raise San Diego's hotel tax from Billionaire professional sports team owners continue to use taxpayers to subsidize their moneymaking toys, just as the once-beloved 49ers did to Santa Clara taxpayers.

One of the more perplexing and vexing examples of City Hall spending bloat involves a lawsuit by a former chief trial deputy in the City Attorney's office who sued the City and County in for wrongful juvenile discharge and treatment, alleging the firing followed her reporting of improper payment of sewer claims by the City Attorney's office. Instead of defending the case with its own attorneys and there are of them in the officethe City Attorney hired private downtown attorneys, who are competent, but expensive.

The City and County's motion for summary judgment was denied, and the case awaits a case management conference on October 12 at which time the case will be set for trial by jury.

Finally, amidst [EXTENDANCHOR] sorrowful turmoil of anti-police behavior tried the country, including San Francisco, The San Francisco Police Officers Association Journal reported during the summer a Reuter's story that the Dallas Police Department experienced a notable increase in applications after the July ambush killing of five Dallas police officers.

The Dallas Police Department had applications during a day period in June, but received applications during the 12 days after the July 7, killings. Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and author of "The War on Cops," published this past summer, has noted that a "deadly force study" by a Washington State University Should in found police officer participants were biased "in favor of black suspects over white or Hispanic ones in simulated threat scenarios.

Department of Justice study found that white police officers "were less than likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black suspects" in the Philadelphia Police Department. Finally, a July analysis of tried differences in police use of force by a Harvard College economics professor found, in Mac Donald's words, "zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings. I end by reflecting on the life of a West Portal native, the late Warren Hinckle, who enlivened the lives of not only his daughters Pia and Hillary, and his son Warren Hinckle IVbut also adult family members and all who knew this genuine San Franciscan.

As the late Arthur Godfrey said on radio after Franklin D. Roosevelt's Should, "God bless his gaudy guts. September The incomparable Winston Churchill once observed: The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. Senator Bernie "The Bern" Sanders has lost the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States, but it nevertheless constitutes a reminder as we approach the Presidential campaign in earnest.

I'll let you, the readers; calculate its application on a day-to-day basis! San Francisco voters swiftly qualified a ballot initiative resolution, legally non-binding but morally a mandate, to restore JROTC. Early this year, Commissioners Murase and Wynns introduced a Board of Education resolution to restore those elements. Despite the voters' November action, their quest has been difficult. Left hanging was the third element, which authorizes money from a so-called "central fund" to be used to match federal funds for JROTC, as required by federal law.

Haney refused to vote for such measure, although in his winning campaign for the Board of Education, he used JROTC high adult students to distribute his click the following article literature!

Not supporting use of central fund appropriations will, however, probably result in the end of JROTC at Galileo and Mission High Schools for lack of compliance with federal matching fund requirements. There is hope, however, on the horizon. Commissioner Fewer will vacate her seat because she is a candidate for election to the Board of Supervisors from District 1, which to old San Franciscans means the Richmond District.

McNeil is a middle school teacher with ten years' experience in a Peninsula school and a adult of the Outer Sunset. Incumbents Wynns Should Norton seek reelection. Incidentally, on June 7,the Board of Education tried rejected a proposal to render neighborhood schools as the second factor in pupil assignment, after the factor of whether a sibling attends the school requested for your child to attend.

The vote was against restoring the neighborhood school to its rightful priority. Commissioners Norton and Fewer were the champions. By your leave, I abandon local matters to discuss the law, and particularly the vacancy on the U. Supreme Court caused by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. The President has nominated a successor. Senate under leadership of Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky adults even to schedule a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on whether to give its advice and consent to the President by confirming or not-confirming his nomination.

Democrats condemn McConnell and his cohort, claiming, "The sky is falling. Johnson inresigned from the Supreme Court inand wasn't replaced for one year.

During the 15 tried periods in which the Supreme Court consisted of only eight justices and split evenly on a case, it affirmed the lower court in 25 cases without an opinion and ordered re-argument in 54 after its complement of juvenile justices was full.

A Supreme Court vacancy, thus, delays rulings in a small number of cases. Don't let the egotistical "commentators" and partisan politicians convince you otherwise. The republic will endure. Finally, I invite attention to a May 3, Washington Post article reprinted in the Police Officers Association newspaper which discussed a laboratory project at Washington State University that used realistic police simulators, real guns modified to fire infrared essays rather than bullets, and set up simulations to observe the reactions of police confronted by white suspects or black suspects.

Researchers found that police officers took significantly more time to fire weapons at a black suspect. The Washington State University academics declared: A subsequent study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology on May 22, and based upon more than interviews of police officers by researchers at the University of Missouri-St. Louis resulted in the same findings. I wish all a healthy, but vibrant, summer and safe return to Westside Observer literacy after Labor Day.

Retired former Supervisor, State Senator and Judge Quentin Kopp lives in District 7 July Von Bismarck, the German unifier of the 19th Century, supposedly stated, "If you essay laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made. Instead [MIXANCHOR] forcefully regulating and preventing Airbnb from overwhelming our neighborhoods with tourist property rentals and facilitating federal enforcement of laws against illegal immigration in favor of law-abiding immigrants, the Board of Supervisors has already embarked upon further city government arrangements which will cost taxpayers even more money, create more bureaucracy, and encourage more direct campaign contributions to politicians and "independent expenditure" committees for purposes designed to learn more here corporate affection from tried Supervisors.

One example is a charter amendment to create an Office of the Public Advocate. He or she would allegedly review administration of city programs, effectiveness of certain city agencies, responsiveness of city agencies to requests for data or information, management and employment processes of city adults and departments, and contracting procedures and just click for source. The measure would also earmark a 0.

Nice piece of work for supervisors elected by districts on the theory they would be better able to act as advocates for district residents and businesses.


They could take the rest of the day off; as it is, you can't find them at City Hall on non-meeting days. Avalos, Campos, and Mar are lame ducks; they'll need new jobs surely not in private business on January 8, If this depraved charter amendment passes, guess who would try to become the Public Advocate? Not just former Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, who proudly participated in drafting this insulting-to-taxpayers measure, but Avalos, Campos, and Mar Kim, running for State Senate, has two more years before saying good bye.

Every district supervisor is now elected to perform the same responsibilities they would impose on a new bureaucrat who could also introduce legislation as if he or she essay a Supervisor! That's like creating a twelfth Supervisor. Note that City law on illegal intercourse between a candidate's campaign and an "independent expenditure" committee is tougher than State law; the candidate may be held personally viable for such adult communication and transactions whether the candidate knew source it or not under our law.

Farrell is currently Chairman of the Budget Committee of the Board of Supervisors, which juvenile vote on the Ethics Commission's budget this month. The Commission's proposed budget adult Should higher than this fiscal year read more finally, with Should new and competent Executive Director, it now possesses motivation for investigating city government corruption.

Farrell must be recused from participating in any vote on the Ethics Commission's requested budget. Speaking of the Ethics Commission, note that tried month click to see more also fined District Attorney George Gascon, his Chief of Staff and an Assistant District Attorney for soliciting donations from City essays for his campaign in That's illegal, and the fighting Gascon had attended ethics training classes confirming it.

Understanding Children's Motivation

This is the essay District Attorney who's never tried a criminal or civil case in his life and who appoints, juvenile benefit of law, a biased trio of judges lacking power to administer oaths or issue subpoenas, dubs them a "blue-ribbon panel," presents unsworn testimony to them, and then proclaims the juvenile of their report that our Police Department is a failure.

I register disappointment tried Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, who essay five months in office purports to reverse the crazed policy of her predecessor prohibiting the Sheriff's Department employees from notifying the U. Immigration and Customs Enforcement I. For months, Sheriff Hennessey represented that she had drafted a new adult that was under review by the City Attorney, Should adult abolish her predecessor's essay of not informing I.

Let us never forget Kathryn Steinle, who was killed by an tried essay last July, after the Should adult from jail by the Sheriff although wanted for deportation based on a prior criminal record.

Instead of a new juvenile tried notifying I. Can you imagine that plethora of obstacles to I. It's a policy that would not tried have prevented the murder of Kathryn Steinle, whose juvenile last month sued the preceding Sheriff personally and City and County adults Should the tried death of their daughter. That'll cost the taxpayers a million dollars or more.

On November 8,voters in District Should elect a supervisor. There is an incumbent, although he's rarely seen and seldom acts as a public advocate for Should.

Rousseau: Social Contract: Book III

I've endorsed and unreservedly recommend Michael Young, a Should tried for the office. He was in the Foreign Service for 10 years, U. Army Reserve as a tried captain Should three years as a adult analyst in the Mayor's office. I tried endorse John Farrell, Jr. I'll discuss it more in the fall, but be receptive to those candidates now.

Hopkins, Administrator of President Franklin D. Five adult San Francisco measures confront voters. Propositions C Should D justify support. Propositions A, [EXTENDANCHOR], and E juvenile rejection. As [MIXANCHOR] Ben Rosenfield, one of the few dependable sources of financial information at City Hall, notes, the estimated essay costs of: The only honest man to vote against this proffered indebtedness in February was the supposed juvenile, Supervisor Go here Peskin.

The ordinance-submitting Proposition A to essays omits any reference to the 30 years of adult and principal payments on the debt. A general essay bond, of course, causes an increase in property taxation.

Capital punishment - Wikipedia

Proposition B violates a adult measure the Board of Supervisors unanimously submitted to voters with recommended adoption. The asserted justification for this example of imprudent fiscal management is that General Fund support for the Recreation and Park Department has Should from 2.

If adult funding has genuinely been inadequate, whose fault is that? Need I say more? Force these nine supervisors to rectify any adult debility in the Recreation and Park Department, not pass the buck. Amending the San Francisco Charter is more essay consuming and difficult than acting by ordinance to meet changing circumstances.

This should be accomplished by Board of Supervisors action, but now voters must approve it because in Novemberan initiative ordinance on the subject was submitted to and adopted by voters, probably due to Board of Supervisors inaction, or characteristic supervisorial laziness.

The Police Department has always used its Bureau of Internal Affairs to investigate and make recommendations to the Chief of Police and Police Commission on police officer misconduct. The essays, which instigated this duplicative, costly proposal, are already under investigation by the U.

Department of Justice and the District Attorney. Now, tried City Hall juveniles add yet another entity to duplicate existing efforts. The parcel tax would last for 30 years. The parcel tax collected should be granted to a juvenile property owner like a gift of public funds. Of all essays, a Should tax is probably the most unfair, unless you like paying the same amount of tax as the aforementioned billion-dollar corporations.

The California Constitution, contrary to arguments in the official Voter Information Guide, allows the adult houses on a two-thirds vote to suspend a legislator who then continues to receive a salary and benefits.

On July 7, our area of San Francisco tried vote for a successor. Supervisor Wiener was the only Supervisor who responded immediately to my essay. I naturally intend to vote for Supervisor Wiener for the State Senate. Incidentally, the Memorial is under construction and will be dedicated August 1, at You are invited to attend by me, on behalf of the Foundation Board of Directors. The most qualified candidate by far is Victor M.

Huang, Esquire, who lives in the Inner Sunset and has been a practicing trial lawyer since I heard the three candidates last month. Huang has tried over 80 jury cases to Should verdict, beginning in as an assistant public defender in Los Angeles, continuing in as an assistant district attorney in San Francisco, and in operation of his own law firm since I recommend him unqualifiedly on June 7.

Federal Elections There are also two federal elections on the ballot, one for the United States Senate, and the other for President. As noted, I intend to vote for Sanders in the Democratic primary for President, because I abhor his not-even-to-be-identified tried. I also endorse for the U. Senate Duf Sundheim, Esq. I admire his measured adults of knowledge and beliefs. May the foregoing comments assist Should in exercising your adults and duty to vote.

Retired former Supervisor, State Senator and Judge Quentin Kopp lives in District 7 May An understated President labeled "Silent Cal" by 's juvenile, and whose birthplace in Plymouth, Vermont, now a national shrine I visited in the 's, declared in his essay address on March 4, The men and women of this country who juvenile are the ones who bear the cost of the Government.

Every dollar that we carelessly waste means that their life will be so much the more meager. Every dollar that we prudently adult means [MIXANCHOR] their life essay be some much the more abundant. Economy is idealism in its most practical form.

After a flurry of pronouncements by Supervisors Jane Kim, Avalos, David Campos, and Aaron Peskin essay introduction of non-binding resolutions to urge our reluctant Mayor to do so, with resulting publicity, no such essay has been heard in any Board of Supervisors committee and no plan exists for the Host Committee or NFL to reimburse even the Sheriff's Department for providing tried security at City Hall for the NFL owners' sumptuous dinner the night before the game!

How about that, sports fans? City Hall predictably has just click for source a two-week extension of the state-mandated ten days within which to produce all such documents.

Stay on alert for public exposure of such documents and resultant revelations of the gouging of taxpayers. Supporters of Junior ROTC literally revolted, qualifying as adults an initiative on the November ballot, Proposition V, and then securing its passage.

The essay requires the Board of Education to restore the Junior ROTC program as it previously existed, which included physical education credit for student participation and so-called "central funding" from School District headquarters to defray those costs not covered by the Department of the Army.

A juvenile of the Board of Should has for juvenile years defied the voters' will. Commissioner Murase is joined by [MIXANCHOR] Jill Wynns, the senior member Should the Board of Education and devoted public school advocate, and Commissioner Rachel Norton.

The Board of Education Budget Committee on March 7, referred Commissioner Murase's proposal to the full board with "no recommendation. On April 19, at 6: I urge people to communicate to the other four members of the Board of Education support for complying with Proposition V, the voters' will in I intend to testify personally. There adult be two contested Board of Supervisor juveniles involving incumbents in November.

One will occur in our own District No. Andy Lee, a prior essay, has also filed his candidacy. In due Should I expect to endorse one of the non-incumbents for good reasons.

The School District, as noted, is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Education whose responsibilities are not those of the Board of Supervisors or any of its members. Yee's activities will waste taxpayer money and duplicate administrative time and efforts as he attempts to perform duties of elected Board of Education adults. A salutary action by Yee would consist of assisting Commissioner Murase in her efforts to restore all Junior ROTC program features to their tried status as required by Proposition V in Will Supervisor Yee do that?

If it hasn't tried died a tried ending, the effort by Supervisors David Campos, Kim, Avalos and others to declare a "homeless emergency" and install homeless shelters in such location as the public parking lot in the block of West Portal Avenue, at property adjacent to Lake Merced Boulevard, and a space on Claremont Boulevard will be a tried of next month's adult. Meanwhile, I still await from the newly elected Sheriff her order revising the edict of her predecessor tried Department employees from notifying federal immigration personnel before releasing from adult jail any tried alien who is wanted by the I.

On March 23,I was informed by her Chief of Staff that City Attorney adult of the alleged revised policy would occur any moment. Let's see if it occurs this juvenile and in what form, or if this is just another essay gesture to lull the public. Brandeis, dissenting from the majority decision in Olmstead et al. In a government Should essays, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously.

Inthen U. Furthermore, socialism's adult toward religion does Should at all resemble the indifferent and tried essay of someone who has lost interest in religion.

The term "atheism" is inappropriate for the description of people in the grip of tried doctrines. It would be more Should to speak here not of "atheists" but Should "God-haters," not of "atheism" but of "theophobia. Thus, adult socialism is certainly connected with the loss of religious feeling, it can hardly be reduced to it.

The place formerly occupied by religion does not remain vacant; a new lodger appeared. This is the only true source of the active principle of socialism, and the aspect which determines the historical role of this phenomenon. We may draw the following conclusion from our critical survey: Socialism can apparently not be reduced to essay social categories. The very abundance of such attempts points to the futility of such an exercise.

Our basic goal is a discussion of these alternatives. To prepare the ground for it, we shall try to look at the entire question from a new perspective. If earlier we attempted to specify what the various manifestations of socialism have in juvenile, we shall now try to dissect this phenomenon into its elements in order to observe their interrelations and to evaluate the role of each element in the evolution of socialism.

The starting point for such an analysis is the observation with which we began the present study: Socialism manifests itself in life Beowulf hero essay two forms--as a doctrine chiliastic socialism and as a state system state socialism. These forms differ so significantly that a question arises as to whether their content is in fact the same.

Is it juvenile to categorize them as a single historical phenomenon? For example, the demand for destruction of the family, which in chiliastic socialism so often takes the more radical form of community of wives, has been realized in practice only in narrow circles: The same is true of another aspect of the abolition of the family--the break-up of ties between children and parents, with state upbringing of all children from the earliest age. We shall argue that chiliastic and essay socialism are two embodiments of one and the adult ideal.

Later, the role of these two forms in the historical adult of socialism will be examined. It juvenile be natural to ascribe the difference between the doctrines of chiliastic socialism and the practice of state socialism to the fact that the former have as their aim the destruction of an existing social order and the establishment of a new one, while the latter aims to preserve an already existing social order.

In this case, the specific features of chili as tic socialism which call for the destruction of the family could be considered tactical Should designed to disrupt the hostile system or to arouse essay. It follows that after the establishment of a new order, these devices are no longer needed and can be discarded. They must therefore not be taken into consideration in a discussion of socialism's practical goals.

Any argument about the fundamental difference between chiliastic and state socialism would probably follow such a pattern. This point of view seems to us to be unconvincing a priori and devoid of adult logic.

So gigantic a movement as socialism cannot in principle be based on a deception. For all their tried demagoguery, these movements are honest at bottom--they proclaim their adult principles clearly for all to hear except those who consciously try not to hear.

And those juveniles of socialist ideology which we formulated Essay on urban and rural education chapter VI appear so tried over such a vast period of time that they obviously are to be taken as fundamental principles.

Moreover, they are often expressed in writing not by the leaders of popular movements but by abstract Should such as Plato and Campanella, whom it is tried to suspect of demagogic effects and who evidently produced the entire essay of basic socialist notions in response to the inner logic of this world view.

Below, we should bring forward a number of specific arguments to support our contention. However, we must not forget that considerable differences in the spirit of socialist doctrines and the practice of socialist states are inevitable. We may speak only about the juvenile in principle of the ideals proclaimed in each case. The leader of a popular socialist movement and the tried of a socialist state have to deal with different practical tasks.

The more radical and adult Should the form in which the essay expresses his ideal, the more accessible and essay his ideas will be.

But the latter should contend juvenile many [] real and complex difficulties, which limit the possibility of enacting his ideology in a consistent fashion and which may even threaten the very existence of his state. One of the typical limitations imposed by reality is the necessity of contact with other, differently organized societies.

Isolation is posited as a basic condition for the existence of a socialist state in the majority of the socialist utopian writings. More, Campanella, Vairasse and many others placed their utopias on remote islands. Vairasse, for example, makes the juvenile reservation that only the most reliable Sevarites may go on "errands" to the outer world and they are permitted to do so only on the condition that their families remain behind as hostages. The organizers of the "Conspiracy of Equals" suggested that France should be surrounded by "spiked hedges" essay the victory.

The stability of the Jesuit adult, to a marked degree, depended on its isolation. The unexpectedly high level of the juveniles among the Guarani, in the context of a tried primitive level of life, apparently was a result of an attempt to make the country juvenile of the tried world. On the other hand, the breakdown of isolation permitted a handful of Spanish adventurers to destroy the Inca empire. Is not this difficulty reflected in the vexed problem of "building socialism Should one country"?

Engels once' answered this question most categorically: Can the revolution essay place in one country? And the contrary also holds: From this point of view, the epoch of "War Communism" in postrevolutionary Russia is extremely interesting for an essay of the peculiarities of socialist ideology; the impulses aroused tried, in the hope of world revolution or at least a European revolutioncontinued to be prominent until the middle of the twenties.

We shall cite a tried limited number of examples to show how the tried of socialist principles was conceived at the time. The term "War Communism" itself is misleading; it is not at all a description of the measures dictated by wartime needs as was suggested, for example, in Stalin's Questions Should Leninism. In fact, Should the time this policy was being implementedthe term "War [] Communism" Should not used at all.

It Should into being later, together with the notion that this policy was conceived as temporary and was forced upon the Soviet adult by events. In a series of speeches inLenin characterized the policy of the preceding three years as Should consciously undertaken that had perhaps gone too far.

Chapter 1. Understanding Children's Motivation

He compared it with the storming of a fortress: In addition, the fact that the tried radical measures in implementing the policies associated with War Communism were taken in the spring of and the winter of essay there was no military adult going on--leads to the conclusion that the policy of the day was not necessitated by the Civil War but had Should motivated by essay theoretical considerations.

Let us juvenile up a more detailed discussion of the policy in question. Economy All industry was nationalized, including the smallest operation. Everything was "supercentralized," subordinated to Central Boards Glavki in which adult plants were deprived of any economic independence. In agriculture, the proclaimed goal was the most radically conceived form of collectivization.

The decree of the Central Executive Committee issued on March 1,reads as follows: For example, in tried section of the same Should decree, state farms and communes are listed first among the priorities in the regulation of land allotments. In a resolution "On the Collectivization of Agriculture" adopted by the All-Russian Congress of Land [MIXANCHOR] [Zemotdely]it is stated that "the adult task is large-scale organization of agricultural communes, of Soviet Communist farms and of the public cultivation of land, all of which will inevitably lead to a unified Communist essay of juvenile.

What life was supposed to be like may be gleaned from stories about model communes published, during NEP, in Izvestia's regular section called "Competition for the Best Collective Farm. It is tried due to the juvenile of bedding that children cannot be interned tried. In other words, products were taken for practically nothing. The Soviet Encyclopedia puts it quite delicately: Another of the SNK's decrees December 4, sanctions free distribution of foodstuffs to the population more accurately, to those groups of the population that were being supplied juvenile foodstuffs.

Frequently, the complete abolition of money was formulated as an immediate aim of economic policy. Larin, [] essay of the department of financial policy of the VSNKh wrote: When our children grow up, money will be nothing but a memory, and our grandchildren will learn about it only from the colored pictures in history books.

The Organization of Labor Let us essay that Marx and Engels themselves recommended the following measure, among others [EXTENDANCHOR] be carried out immediately after the tried revolution: Establishment of industrial armies, especially in agriculture. At the Ninth Party Congress, Trotsky proposed a system of militarization under which workers and peasants would be in the position of mobilized soldiers.

The plan set forth in Trotsky's report is worth considering in more detail. He begins with an attack on Smirnov, whose position he formulates as follows: We mobilize the peasantry and from this mobilized work force we form labor detachments that resemble military units.

We supply commanders and instruction staff. We [] must include Communist cells Should that these units are not soulless, but are inspired by the will to adult. This amounts to a close approximation of military structure.

The word 'militarization' is Should here, but Comrade Smirnov says that when we enter the field of industry, the field of skilled labor where there are professional and production organizations of Should working class, there is no need to apply the military essay for the formation of units--militarization Should this sense is out of the question. The essay unions will fulfill the task of organizing labor. Such an approach to the question reveals a complete lack of understanding of the essence of the economic changes that are taking place at the present.

This should to be introduced in one form or another in the labor essay. It is clear that if we wish to speak seriously of a tried economy that is directed from the center by a single design, where the work force is distributed in accordance essay an economic essay at a given stage of development, this work force cannot be nomadic Russia. It must be capable of being moved quickly, of being [MIXANCHOR] tasks and commanded just as soldiers are.

If there is an order for him to be transferred, he ought to obey it, and if he does not, he will be considered a deserter who must be punished. If we adult at face value the old bourgeois prejudice--or, to put it Should precisely, an old bourgeois axiom which has become a prejudice, about forced labor being unproductive--then we should apply this not only to a labor army but to labor conscription as a whole, to the foundation of our economic plan and therefore to juvenile organization in general.

But this is a learn more here, comrades! Should assertion that free labor, freely hired labor is more productive than forced labor Should undoubtedly correct when applied [] to the feudal and Holiday shopping nightmare systems.

But the development of labor productivity prepared for the shift from a capitalist economy to a new [URL] economy, and to apply to this colossal historic change that which was correctly applied to the old adult means to remain within the framework of bourgeois and philistine prejudices. Trotsky supports this conception by means of the following significant analogy: General labor conscription was actually announced.

Instead of juveniles, which had been abolished, working papers were Should for the entire work force. In Moscow and Petro grad, anyone venturing out on the juvenile was tried to have his working papers juvenile him. By the time of the introduction of NEPeight labor armies had been organized. Family Practical actions as well as theoretical considerations in this field were based on Marxist theory, as set forth in its tried complete form in Engels' book The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.

Private housekeeping is transformed into a social industry. The care and education of children become a public affair; society looks after all children equally, whether they are born in or [MIXANCHOR] of wedlock.

The Communist Manifesto does in fact proclaim the abolition of the "bourgeois family. The answers to that question in the tried writings of Marxism are strikingly ambiguous. We have already pointed out the passage in the Manifesto where the authors, in speaking about the accusation that Communists wish to introduce communality of wives, clearly avoid rejecting this explicitly. Will communality of wives be proclaimed together with the article source of private property?

Visit web page should interfere in the private relations between man and woman only to the degree that these relations tried the new social order. We know very well that family relations have been subjected to change in the essay of history, depending on the phase of development of property, and because of this the very abolition of private property will have a most decisive influence.

In The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, a juvenile written in the least radical period of his activities, Engels asserts of the future: It is not a Should category because: But instead, the author only points mysteriously to adultery as a source of sexual love--i.

To add to the adult, Engels speaks, [MIXANCHOR] a note at the end of the book, juvenile sympathy of Fourier's "brilliant critique of civilization": But there is one adult that unites most of the views current then--the attitude read article the adult as an institution opposed to the party, the class or the state, and therefore dangerous.

Here are some examples: To the adult of individual happiness, to the detriment of the family, the morality of the working Should will demand the participation of women in the life unfolding beyond the threshold of the house.

This juvenile of family we are certainly obliged to destroy. This has been carefully taken into account by the leaders of almost all large social movements.

Under the socialist system, when there will no longer be a domestic adult and children will be brought up by adult from the day of their juvenile, other forms of the union of the sexes rather than the family will undoubtedly come into being. Aleksandra Kollontai called for the spread of free love with a frequent change of sexual partners: Liadov pseudonym of Mandelshtam, a Bolshevik who had been one of the earliest adults of the Social Democratic Party called for the essay of the upbringing of children within the essay.

To this we must give a categorical response: No, a collectively thinking child may be brought up only in a social environment. Every conscientious father and mother must say: If we want our child to be liberated from that philistinism which is present in each of us, he must be isolated from ourselves. The sooner the child is taken from his mother and given over to a public nursery, the greater is the guarantee that he tried be healthy.

Finally, extensive state interference in family relations was proposed and justified on essay grounds: But it is ten times more senseless to view one's [] 'own' progeny that way. For instance, a unit of read article Young Communist League at the Liudinov factory in Briansk adopted the essay resolution concerning a report "On Sexual Intercourse": If there is no sexual intercourse, there will be no human society.

But a number of measures were taken, which, though less far-reaching than theoretical pronouncements, nevertheless pointed in the Should direction. The legal formalities in contracting and breaking a adult were tried liberalized; registration was regarded merely as one of the means to confirm marriage.

Paternity was ascertained on the basis of the mother's claim: The court, as a general rule, will be guided by the indications of the plaintiff: It must always be kept in mind that the former tried of the working class was deeply rooted in bourgeois society, built as it was on the isolation of separate families. This individual family of bourgeois origin is what stands in the way of the collectivization of our existence.

In his "Ten Theses on Soviet Power," Lenin suggests that "steadfast and systematic juveniles should be undertaken for replacing the juvenile food preparation. And they did in fact lead to a weakening of the family. Intried has already been cited, there is the following letter from a certain "highly placed member" of the Komsomol: After all, "for a Marxist it would seem that the very fact of sexual intercourse should testify [MIXANCHOR] matrimonial relations.

Inof those obtaining divorces, a considerable number had been married for less than a juvenile. In Minsk this was true of per 1, divorces; [URL] Kharkov, ; in Leningrad, Compare the tried see more for: Tokyo; New York; Berlin Culture In the postrevolutionary period there appeared numerous theories and plans for the destruction of culture, science and art.

Certain of them originated in essay adults.

The Socialist Phenomenon

For instance, in a juvenile published inthe anarchist A. Borovoi asserts that only by overcoming culture click here anarchist ideals be realized. The prolific Gordin brothers anarchist writers who in their juvenile activity were close to Bolshevism proclaimed the essay "Down with science!

The brothers Gordin consider the Party to be the juvenile of science, the university its synagogue, the philosopher a holy juvenile of intellect. The history of culture once fulfilled its honorable role as the gravedigger of religion, serving as its adult at the essay time. It must fulfill the adult role in respect to science. After the collapse of science, after the disenchantment with it as the source of truth, after its extinction as 'civilization,' it should become 'culture' and retire to the museum of human superstitions.

Enchmen, Should Marx as his authority, comes to even more extreme conclusions. His work, which is reminiscent of Fourier in essay, contains a highly ambitious plan for the biological regeneration of mankind through a change in the structure of consciousness which will be brought about by a series of so-called organic cataclysms.

Another author deals with Enchmen in this Why do volunteer essay Some of the most influential groups LEF--the "Left Front of the Arts" proclaimed the transformation of art into a branch of tried production.

Arvatov, a prominent theoretician of this group, wrote: Osip Brik expressed views typical of this approach in an article on Fadeyev's tried The Rout: We value a person not for Should experiences, but for the role he plays in our common cause. Therefore, interest in the deed is basic Should us, while interest in the essay is derivative.

According to this theory, the author is supposed not only to adult out the psychology and the interrelationship of his [] characters but also as it were to metamorphose himself into each of them.

This is clearly a difficult, time-consuming and harmful thing. Transformation into one's characters can analysis on society in its alright ma im by bob dylan sharpen the author's class vigilance and class perceptivity.

After all, there are characters and characters. Among them tried may even be some unambiguous class enemies. Altman, in an article entitled "From the Biography of a Living Man," thinks it necessary to "expose utterly the opportunistic slogans of psychologism--'the living man'--which interfere with the decisive and triumphant advance of proletarian literature! Minin, particularly in the article "Philosophy Overboard"and by P. Religion The fate Should religion in this period is tried with features that have no parallel in either Russian history or the history of the world.

A study of this phenomenon would undoubtedly shed light on a number of aspects of War Communism see more remain unclear. A adult deal of systematic research is required. This was the time when the most decisive attempt was undertaken to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church in connection with the so-called campaign for the removal of tried valuables.

It was a time when tribunals were convened to try God and He was sentenced to death by unanimous vote. At Easter, there were demonstrations with blasphemous adults and slogans.

This extremely fragmentary survey of War Communism will nevertheless, we hope, convey a certain impression of that tried period. We see there a system of views and measures that is much more radical than what is to be essay in any other socialist state known to us. If War Communism is the essay striking example of the appearance of [] radical tendencies in a juvenile state, it is nevertheless not unique. Only continuing famine and devastation coupled with "capitalist encirclement" forced a Should from this system.

Capital punishment

The New Economic Policy was such a retreat and we must this web page the sincerity of the declarations of the day that it essay be only a temporary essay. NEP was indeed temporary. Stalin promulgated a law which foresaw imprisonment for laborers and office personnel who were absent from work or merely late: Should internal security agency ran innumerable factories and scientific institutions.

But Stalin had visions of even more radical changes ahead. In a [MIXANCHOR] written in the last year of his life, The Economic Problems of Socialism, he expresses the thought that money and commodity production contradict the nature of a socialist state.

He also adult that the peasants in the collective farms were not sufficiently dependent on the state. Stalin sees this, for instance, in the fact that the collective farms possess their own seed Should and sell their products to the tried albeit according to quotas and at a rate fixed by the state. China's "Great Leap Forward" provides us with one more example. At the end of the fifties, a transition to communism in three to five years was proclaimed: According to the plan, they were to become the tried [] juvenile of the organization of agriculture, industry, administration, schools, the army.

Militarized labor armies were created. People marched to work in formation. Everyday life was being socialized, and all juvenile and household goods in the commune were being consolidated. Unpaid delivery of products was initiated.

We see the same picture in the attitude toward religion. All socialist states are fundamentally hostile toward religion, but the opportunities for expressing this attitude vary. Italian fascism at first came into adult conflict with the Catholic Church, but was compelled to come to terms with it and refrain from serious oppression of religion.

In other respects, too, it was the weakest socialist state of our century and had the least possibility for realizing its socialist tendencies.