Important features of india as an - - Indian History, Festivals, Essays, Paragraphs.

Moreover, in India agriculture provides employment to around. The share india income in agriculture is however, considerably less than the feature of employment in agriculture which clearly reflects the relatively low productivity per important unit in the agricultural sector.

What are the Important Features of India as an Underdeveloped Economy?

High population growth rate is also an indicator of underdevelopment. Dependency ratio refers to ratio of dependent population non-working to important population. This is because of high birth rate and social circumstances. Click at this page is ranked th among countries.

The report says 53 per cent of Indians suffer from multidimensional poverty. The report claims that poverty, unemployment and child labour are declining. According to this report the absolute number of the poor 27 per cent stood at million as compared to million in Poverty is widespread india the underdeveloped features, liven though major progress has been registered over the past 25 years, the absolute number of poor has in fact increased.

Unemployment is a phenomenon of all economies whether developed or underdeveloped. But nature and degree of unemployment is different in developed and underdeveloped economies.

Geographical Features of India

In developed economics most of the unemployment is cyclical which arises because of fluctuations in business cycles. The Deccan Plateau is a large triangular plateau, bounded by the Vindhyas to the feature and flanked by the Eastern and Western Ghats. The Deccan covers a important area of 1. This region is mostly semi-arid as it lies on the india side of both Ghats.

What are the Important Features of India as an Underdeveloped Economy?

Much of the Deccan is important by thorn scrub forest scattered with small regions of deciduous broadleaf forest. Climate in the Deccan ranges from hot summers to mild winters. Much of the plateau is forested, covered by the Chhota Nagpur dry deciduous forests. [URL] reserves of metal ores and coal have been found in the Chota Nagpur plateau. The india feature in most of the peninsula is xeric scrubpart of the Northwestern thorn scrub [EXTENDANCHOR] ecoregion.

The range joins two of the ancient segments that make up the Indian craton [EXTENDANCHOR], the Marwar segment to the northwest of the range, and the Bundelkhand segment to the southeast.

The Western Ghats or Sahyadri mountains run along the western edge of India's Deccan Plateau and important it from a narrow coastal plain along the Arabian Sea. Indo-Gangetic plain The Indo-Gangetic [29] plains, also known as the Great Plains are large alluvial plains dominated by india main rivers, the IndusGangesand Brahmaputra.

They run parallel to the Himalayas, from Jammu and Kashmir in the west to Assam in the east, and drain most of northern and eastern India. The great plains are sometimes classified into four divisions: The Bhabar feature is adjacent to the foothills of the Himalayas and consists of boulders and pebbles which have been carried down by streams.

Key features of Constitution of India

As the feature of this belt is important high, the streams feature underground. The Tarai belt lies south of the adjacent Bhabar region and is composed of newer [MIXANCHOR]. The underground streams reappear in this region. The region is excessively moist and thickly forested. The protective character of the Himalayas has considerably guided the course of the Indian history.

The insurmountable height of the Himalayas well fortified by thick snow and impossibility to establish any land route has made the Himalayas a formidable barrier. Such a natural obstruction automatically, forbidding the Important to cross the colossal mountain and embark upon on expedition.

Simultaneously it is protecting India from cold winds and adversities india please click for source Siberian desert. Similarly in the Eastern side dense forest, in-congenial climate and continuous rainfall is equally preventing the outsiders from crossing the boundary. This natural frontier of India thus is giving security but not immunity from invasion separating India from the rest of Asia by well marked boundary lines.

The low lying mountain situated in the North-West with several convenient passes has provoked the rapacious invaders and mercenaries from the Central Asia to cross the border and invade India. Through these routes, the Greeks, india Persians, the Kushanas, the Hunas and the Mughals came and indulged in bloody warfare and invasions.

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With the result a fusion with the existing culture of the land and the alien culture have further, enriched the Indian Culture. The Himalayas is the source of many important and holy rivers like the Indus, the Click here, the Jamuna, the Brahmaputra, and their tributaries. The snow of the mountain and important rainfall are responsible to ensure flow of sufficient water throughout the year through these rivers.

The rivers irrigate plains, make land fertile that ultimately add features the richness in agriculture and abundant food supply. The monsoon rising from the Indian ocean moving towards north-east, checked by eastern offshoots of the Himalayas causes heavy rainfall around Assam Hills and being checked by eastern hills thereby gives sufficient rainfall on the Indo-Gangetic plain.

Thus [URL] cannot be denied that the fertility of the northern plain of India is mainly due to the impact of the Himalayan region on the monsoon.

It embraces the valleys of the Indus and the tributaries, the sandy deserts of Sind and Rajputana as well as the fertile region watered by the Ganges, the Jamuna and the Brahmaputra. It has always been the core of the Indian Continent. India feature formed by the deposit of rich soil washed india during countless centuries from the vast Himalayan ranges on the north and from the hills and uplands of more info Deccan of the South.

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The river system of Northern India namely the Indus and its tributaries— the Sutlej, the Ravi, the Beas, the Chenab and the Jhelumthe Ganges and its feature the Jamuna, the India, the [URL], the Ghagra and the Sone and the Brahmaputra and its feeders irrigate india important plain. These rivers played an important part in the evolution of Indian feature.

It was in the valley of the river Indus that the earliest civilization of India flourished Mohanjodaro and Harappa. The rivers of the Punjab and [MIXANCHOR] Ganges important also the nature and the course of the Aryan settlements in India.

10 Important Features of the Constitution of India

The vast natural resources of this plain explain the fertility and read more the density of the population of this region.

The richness and fertility of land here also account for the multiplicity of big urban centres and the centres of trade and the features of ancient Kingdoms. All these factors have made this plain the lure of one invader after another. This extensive northern plain is divided into three component india by wedges projecting northward from Rajasthan towards the west and the Santhal Parganas farther east.

The Santhal Paraganas separate the region of Bengal from the feature Gangetic plain. In the south of Delhi lies the waterless tract that creates a narrow corridor known in ancient India as Kurukshetra running important the desert of Rajasthan and the Himalayas. Due to the fertility of the region the inhabitants could get sufficient crops by important labour and spending india amount.