What is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin

Phenytoin (Dilantin): Anticonvulsant Drug for Tonic-clonic or Partial Seizures in Epilepsy Patients

Thus, blood sugar should be monitored closely when phenytoin is administered to patients with diabetes. Phenytoin can potentially injure the liver although this is an uncommon occurrence.

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Phenytoin can cause the platelet or white blood cell counts to drop, between the risk of bleeding or infection, what is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin, respectively. Phenytoin what can cause anemia. Because it interferes dilantin vitamin D metabolismphenytoin can cause weakening of the bones osteomalacia. Other phenytoin difference effects caused by phenytoin include sexual dysfunction, such and Antiepileptic the have been associated with an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior.

what is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin

Anyone considering the use of antiepileptic drugs must balance this risk of suicide with the clinical need for the antiepileptic drug. Patients who begin antiepileptic therapy should be closely observed for clinical worsening, suicidal thoughts or unusual changes in behavior.

Because sometimes I have episodes where my muscles contract so hard for a few minutes that I am actually sore for a couple of days after.


I am led to believe it may be related to the Mitochondrial by one dr and then these episodes may be related to another neurological problem altogether. Do you have any answers or ideas? Fluoxetine may increase serum hydantoin levels. The mechanism is unknown, but may be related to inhibition of hepatic CYP 2C9 and 2C19 hydantoin metabolism.

what is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin

Close observation for clinical and laboratory evidence of hydantoin toxicity is recommended if these drugs must be used together. Phenytoin exhibits zero-order pharmacokinetics; the rate of clearance of the drug is dependent upon the concentration of drug present.

what is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin

Therefore, phenytoin does not have a classical half-life like other drugs, since it varies with blood concentration. As the blood concentration drops, the rate at which phenytoin is excreted increases.

what is the difference between dilantin and phenytoin

Phenytoin has a volume of distribution of 0. Phenytoin pharmacokinetics are significantly affected by a number of other drugs. Phenytoin and phenobarbital are frequently coadministered. Induction of the cytochrome P enzyme system by phenobarbital will increase the rate at which phenytoin is metabolized and cleared. Uremia has a similar effect on phenytoin protein binding.

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