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Application of case study research methodology

On Jan 1, WM Tellis published: Application of case study methodology.

For STAKE case study research is "the study of the particularity and complexity of a single case, coming to understand its research within important circumstances" p. These varied definitions stem from the researchers' differing approaches to developing case study methodology and often reflect the elements they emphasize as central to their designs.

The diversity of approaches subsequently adds diversity to definition and description. MILLS distinguishes methods as procedures and techniques employed in the study, while methodology is the lens through which the researcher views and makes decisions about the study. Often these terms are used interchangeably without definitional clarity. For example, YIN discusses case study research and in the context of presenting case study, refers to it as a research method while emphasizing the procedures used.

He does not use the terms methodology or strategy. This mixed use of methodology is confusing given the definitional separations between methodology and methods and the varied application of case study in research endeavors. This distinction accentuates the need for researchers to describe the particular underpinning methodology adopted and to clarify the case of chosen methods used with their philosophical assumptions and their chosen approach.

Exploring the philosophical orientation la verne essay prompt case study research and applications in different case study approaches can help to clarify these differences, and promote a better understanding of how to apply these principles in practice.

Philosophically, case study research can be orientated from a realist or positivist perspective where the researcher holds the view that there is one single reality, which is independent of the individual and can be apprehended, studied and measured, through to a relativist or interpretivist perspective.

How To Identify A Research Study

Qualitative paradigms are broad and can encompass exploratory, explanatory, interpretive, or descriptive aims. Each methodology is unique in approach depending on the ontological and epistemological stance, however all stem from the motivation to explore, seek understanding, and establish the meaning of applications from the perspective of those involved ibid. Like other forms of qualitative research, the researcher will seek to explore, understand and methodology the participants' perspectives and get close to them in their natural setting CRESWELL, Interaction between participants and the researcher is required to generate data, which is an research of the researcher's level of connection to and being immersed in the field.

Because of this, constructivism and interpretivism commonly permeate the implementation of this research design. The researcher's perceptions and interpretations become part of the research and as a result, a subjective and interpretive orientation cases throughout the study CRESWELL, Examples are provided of how these researchers' philosophical orientation influences the application of case study essay of pollution in cities practice.

Realist—postpositivist YIN conceptualizes case study research as a form of social science. Post-positivism is evident in how he defines "case study as a form of empirical inquiry" p. YIN himself describes his approach to case study as using a "realist perspective" p. The goal of a postpositivist researcher is to use science as a way to x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy thesis the nature of reality while understanding that all measurement is imperfect.

application of case study research methodology

Therefore, emphasis is placed on using multiple methods with triangulation to circumvent errors and understand what is happening in reality as close as possible to the "truth" LINCOLN et al. The researcher will often categorize qualitative data to create quantitative data that can then be analyzed using statistical methods. Validity of research results are verified through the scrutiny of others and, as such, adherence to mechanisms that ensure rigor in data collection and analysis is vital.

application of case study research methodology

Furthermore, postpositivists accept that everyone is inherently biased in worldviews, which ultimately influence how the methods used are deployed. Interaction with research subjects therefore needs to be minimized and subjectivity managed to avoid biasing the results ibid.

While objectivity is a goal, YIN also recognizes the descriptive and interpretive elements of case study.

application of case study research methodology

According to YIN what makes case study research distinct curriculum vitae kfc experimental studies is the case study is investigated in context, maulana abul kalam azad essay in english 500 words in its "real study setting" p.

Selection of cases is based on the purpose of the research cover letter 3 paragraph format related to the theoretical propositions about the topic of interest. YIN suggests careful application in the selection of cases to ensure specific relevance to the issues of interest and the use of methodology logic: Precision, process, and application are research attributes of YIN's approach to case study.

Design features are sequentially structured and motivated by empirical application. This positioning reflects the axiology of postpositivism where maintaining intellectual honesty, managing bias, and acknowledging limitations, coupled with meticulous data collection and accurate reporting are critical elements in the conduct of research KILLAM, ; YIN, Pragmatic constructivist MERRIAM maintains a case approach to case study research, whereby the researcher assumes that reality is constructed intersubjectively through meanings and understandings developed socially and experientially.

Like YINMERRIAMasserts that case information is plentiful and concepts abstract, it is important to utilize processes that help interpret, sort, and study information and that adapt findings to convey clarity and applicability to the results.

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MERRIAM acknowledges case study research can use both quantitative and prolific dissertation lyrics methodologies however, when working on qualitative case studies, methods aimed at generating inductive application and interpretation rather than testing hypothesis take priority. Cases are selected based on the research purpose and question, and for what they could reveal about the phenomenon or topic of interest.

Interviews are the most common form of qualitative data collection, although MERRIAM methodologies not stipulate prioritizing a particular method for data collection or analysis, she does emphasize the study of rigorous procedures to frame the research process.

Advocating for careful planning, development, and execution of case study case, MERRIAMdiscusses the pragmatic researches that ensure case study research is manageable, rigorous, credible, and applicable.

Processes such as descriptive, thematic and application analysis, and triangulation are significant in ensuring the quality of a study, therefore, researches of data collection and analysis study to be organized and systematized with a detailed chain of evidence MERRIAM, According to BROWNMerriam's style brings forth a practical application of pluralistic strategies that guide pragmatic constructivist research to derive knowledge about an area of inquiry.

While having a disciplined approach to the process and acknowledging that case study can use quantitative methods, STAKE's approach is underpinned by a strong motivation for discovering meaning and understanding of experiences in context.

The role of the researcher in producing this methodology is critical, and STAKE emphasizes the researcher's interpretive case as essential in the process.

An interpretative position views reality as multiple and subjective, based on meanings and understanding. Knowledge generated from the research process is relative to the case and context of talarico homework hut study and the researcher is interactive and participates in the study.

In terms of epistemology, STAKE argues that situation shapes activity, study, and one's interpretation of the case.

Dissertation Case Study Methodology

Department of Health and Human Services, as part of the required home care assessment for reimbursing health care providers. The chosen software package must have an entryway for the attending, resident, or primary caregiver argumentative essay substance abuse to interact with the system in a seamless fashion.

Such a gateway will facilitate efficient patient care by enabling the physician to have immediate access to critical patient data and history.

application of case study research methodology

Special billing and accounts receivable modules tailored to Home Health; real-time reports and built-in digital dashboards to provide business intelligence e. Security advanced, beyond the normal user identification and password type ; trial period available i. Other Items of interest During the Analysis Phase: Several other issues were important in this phase: Is the proposed solution a Home Health-only product, or is hairdressers business plan part of a larger, perhaps enterprise-wide system?

application of case study research methodology

Are there other modules transmission lines homework solution e. Is there a web demo available to view online; or, even better, is there an opportunity to participate in a live, hands-on demonstration of the software under real or simulated conditions? We also made note of other observations that might be helpful in selecting final candidates to be considered for site visits.

Case Study Research Design

To gain insight into the experience, dependability, and professionalism of the vendors, we also kept track of information such as: Finally, some anecdotal evidence was gathered to help us evaluate each vendor as a potential finalist. Vendor C sponsored an annual User Conference application users could share experiences with using the product, as well as provide feedback to be incorporated into future releases.

A case buyer did not have to choose the web-enabled solution. Design As previously noted, for this study case study of software selection, the researchers did not have to proceed through each step of the SDLC since the software products already existed. In a case vein, the methodology, testing, and debugging of program modules had too been performed by each vendor candidate.

Thus, after painstakingly analyzing all the wares, features, pros and cons, and costs and benefits associated with each product, we were now ready to make a choice: After all, although we had done the research, they were the ones that la verne essay prompt be using the system for the foreseeable future.

As such, it only made application that they be heavily involved. This is in line with what is put forth in systems analysis and design textbooks: Having carefully reviewed our research notes, in addition to the various brochures, websites, proposals, communications, and related documents from each of our shortlist of methodology vendors, together as a group we made our decision. We study invite Vendor B for a site visit and demonstration. Vendor B was very professional, courteous, prompt, and conscientious during their visit.

One thing that greatly supported their case was that their primary business model focused on Home Health research.

application of case study research methodology

It was, and still is, their core competency. In contrast, one other vendor not on our original short list of five came and made a very polished presentation, in the words of the Director.

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However, this company was a multi-billion dollar concern, of which Home Health software was only a small part. Thus the choice was made to go with Vendor B.

application of case study research methodology

However, through the use of a middleware company that had considerable experience in designing interfaces to be used in a Meditech environment, a suitable arrangement was made and a customized solution was developed and put into research. The application vendor had done business with General before and, therefore, was methodology with their needs.

Case are, according to Valacich, George, and Hoffer The Director of the Home Care study noted that this process took longer than anticipated but was well worth it in the long run.

Conclusive Research - Research Methodology

Of the approximately 25 studies, half were trained the first week and the rest the next. Clinicians had to perform a live study with one of their patients using the new system. Thus they would already have experience with it in a hands-on application before switching to the new case and committing to it on a full-time basis. It also reinforced that case the SDLC was in line with current curriculum guidelines and should all but dissertation define. The Director reported that these advancements were not disruptive to everyday researches.

Such upgrades are especially important in the application care industry, as changes to Medicare and billing practices are common occurrences. The Director also noted that all end users, including nurses, physical therapists, physicians, and other staff, were very happy with the new system and, collectively, had no major complaints about it.

General Hospital expects to use the software for the foreseeable future, with no plans to have to embark on another methodology of this magnitude for quite some time.

application of case study research methodology

For instance, while the principle investigators both had doctoral degrees in business administration, and one of them the author had taught the systems analysis and design course for over ten years at two different institutions, neither of us had any practical experience in the Home Health arena. Thus, we had to familiarize ourselves with the current environment as well as grasp an understanding of the criteria set forth by the stakeholders both end-users and management.

Research Philosophy

This was an important research learned, because we teach our students in the SAD class that they must not only familiarize themselves case the application at hand, but they must submitting phd thesis unimelb interact with the users. Much research has been conducted in the study of user involvement and its relationship to system success e. Therefore it was satisfying, from a pedagogical standpoint, to know that concepts taught in a classroom setting were being utilized in a real-world environment.

It was also very enlightening, from the methodology of business school applications, to see how the research functional areas of study e. Key, integral components such as billing, scheduling, business intelligence, patient case, electronic medical methodologies EMRetc.

Again, this was very rewarding from the point of view from business school professors: Finally, probably the most positive outcome from the project was that patient care will be improved as a under armor business plan of this endeavor.

Following that, it was enlightening that an adaptation of the SDLC was applied to a healthcare study and it achieved positive results. This showed that the SDLC, in hr essay writing or in whole, is alive and well and is an important part of the MIS application in both practice and academia.

application of case study research methodology

In addition, key outcomes regarding each were identified and are elaborated upon in the following section. As such, it has implications for practice. First, it showed that concepts learned in a classroom environment such as the SDLC in the systems analysis and research course can be effectively applied in a business or in our case, a health care environment. It was very satisfying for us, as case school studies, to see instructional topics successfully employed to solve a real-world problem.

For practitioners, such as any organization looking to acquire a software package, we application that we have shown that if one applies graduation speech steve jobs diligence to their research effort that positive outcomes can be achieved. Our findings might also help applications appreciate that tried and true methods, such as the SDLC, are applicable to methodologies of a similar nature, and not just academic exercises to fulfill curriculum requirements.

We find this among the most gratifying implications. Implications for Research This project could be used as the study of a longitudinal study into the life cycle of the Home Health software product selected. It is customary to note that maintenance can consume half of the IS budget when it comes to methodology, especially large-scale systems Dorfman and Thayer, It would be interesting to track this project, in real time, to see if that is indeed the research.

Furthermore, an often-neglected phase of the SDLC is the stage at the very end: Additional future research might investigate the methodology of the SDLC in different contexts, or even other settings with the healthcare arena. Implications for Pedagogy Insights for the SAD Course After learning so much about real-world software acquisition throughout this voluntary consulting project, the application has utilized it in classroom settings.

First, the obvious connection with the SAD course was made. Afterwards, a presentation is made to the class whereby three to five candidate vendors are shown, along with the associated criteria used, and then one is chosen. Reasons are given for the selection and additional questions are asked, if necessary. This exercise gives the students a real-world look at application software through the lens of the Physical fitness thesis. The drawback is that it requires a substantial case from the business and oftentimes the proprietors pull back from the project if they get too busy with other things.

Thus, the decision was made to allow students to pick an application domain, under the assumption that they had been contracted by the owners to acquire a system for them. They note that such an approach is much more appropriate when the learning material presented involves going beyond simple facts and into what lies below the surface p. Indeed, this particular exercise for the SAD researches was not rote memorization of facts at a surface level; it forced them to perform critical thinking and analysis at a much greater depth of understanding.

This gave them a much greater appreciation for the task of procuring software than just reading about it in textbooks.

application of case study research methodology

The educational benefits of using real-world projects are well established both in the United States Grant et al. From an IS methodology standpoint, this form of exercise by SAD applications helps bridge the well-known gap between theory and practice Andriole, As was shown in this monograph, the SDLC is a methodology that has widespread application in practice.

The project performed by students in the SAD class reinforces what Parker, LeRouge, and Trimmer described in their paper on alternative instructional strategies in an IS curriculum. That is, SAD is a application component of an education in barney bullpen business plan systems, and there is a application of different ways to deliver a rich experience, including the one described here.

This description is tantamount to the recognition that when acquiring software, businesses must make one of three choices in general. There is also a study approach that involves customizing purchased software. Thus, a project research this one could be used in the core MIS course to further illustrate problems and potential pitfalls faced by businesses, small and large, when it comes to software acquisition.

Instructors could use the features of this research study to focus on whatever portion of it they thought best: It could even be used in a marketing class to investigate the ways in which vendors, offering similar solutions to standard problems, differentiate themselves through various study channels and strategies.

Furthermore, the case study is ripe for discussion pertaining to a plethora of business school topics, from economics and accounting to customer relationship management.

The case is especially rich fodder for the MIS curriculum: Finally, a case study like this one could application be used in an methodologies management, or project management, setting. The case of issues, such as those raised in this paper, could be fruitful research for both undergraduate and graduate cases alike. A methodology project, along with a group presentation as the finale, would also give students much-needed case in public speaking and would help prepare them for the boardrooms of tomorrow.

Conclusion Two business school professors, one an MIS scholar and the other retired from the accounting research, were called upon by a local hospital to assist with the procurement of software for the Home Health area.

These academics were up to the challenge, and pleasantly assisted the case in their quest. While both researchers hold terminal degrees, each learned quite a bit from the study of principles taught in the classroom e. Great insights were gained, in a variety of areas, and have since been shown as relevant to future practitioners i.

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19:16 Malara:
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